Quite a few it seems, and they're amazingly passionate about it. I don't get it.
Quite a few it seems, and they're amazingly passionate about it. I don't get it.
@BtheD19, now with moar CV carbs!
I dunno. Guess I'm weird but it ain't doing anything for me. Compare that to the third gallery pic—smaller vent in the front extra lights. Looks racecar. This one makes me think of a Siamese cat with it's mouth wide open.
The Evora looks better here than it ever has before. This is the only time I've looked at it and not hated it.
/scratches head, checks for a fifth time
Very cool—and a bit odd—to be looking at a group of cars where the most boring looker is a 458.
What I said earlier in the Local Motors thread applies here.
HA HA! It never gets old!
It sort of is a prison, one with a 16-hour-a-day furlough program.
I just last week started commuting on a motorcycle I bought recently. 24 miles of deserted country roads from the hick town I live in to the hillbilly town I work in. I feel the healing starting in the upper right rear portion of my brain. I don't know what goes on there, but that's where the calm is coming from.
Seriously, though, I wonder sometimes if it's simply the nature of office work to be soul-crushing, whether intentionally or not. As well hate the bees for having stingers.
What the—52? I only get 26!
No beer and no Youtube makes BrtStlnd. . . something something.
Awesome, wolfram! Damned awesome!
This is what happens nine months after an horny old PT Cruiser is left unsupervised with a pubescent Mini.
I'm sitting at a desk at a job that anymore I don't so much hate as I do tolerate. I'm good at it, but every day a tiny part of my soul dies. I'm sitting at my desk, looking at a picture of a dude about my age, standing next to a gyot-danged armored dunebuggy he built himself.
Le block du wood