
Fingers crossed for a Titanfall 2 situation!

Lesson here: it’s really easy to look like a idiot jackass if you don’t read the article.

You didn’t read the article. It was not the family’s gun.

“It is still not clear to the family how Malachi got his hands on the dangerous weapon. Stephens said that he got the gun from a friend who got it from someone else.”

It is still not clear to the family how Malachi got his hands on the dangerous weapon. Stephens said that he got the gun from a friend who got it from someone else. Investigators are looking into finding out who originally had the gun and passed it to the friend, the news station notes.

Did you forget that there was just a Global Test Fire for it?

Yup. Gonna be a long, long time before I’m done with Zelda.

Why is the picture not Zelda? The picture should be Zelda.

Wildlands when playing with friends and Breath of the Wild when playing solo. I’m greatly enjoying both games.

$35.29 for digital (it has actually been close to this low since preorder. I got it from CDKeys for just under $40 the week before release) - 

$35.29 for digital (it has actually been close to this low since preorder. I got it from CDKeys for just under $40

U mad bro?

ANOTHER $29.99 before an actual sequel around the holidays(presumably)? I loved Destiny, but no thanks.

This is much better than the Archer one.

Nobody wants Mega Bloks.

psst...check this shit out...

You mean during a sale? One of those things where the thing you bought was being sold under MSRP to drive units out of retailer shelves?

No, you can’t. Sometimes people lie to prove their point. Except that’s not how proving a point works.

Actually, I stand corrected - the PS4 isn’t even less than the Switch. It’s the same price. Whoops.

Call me crazy, but I think you’re a liar: