
Thank you for sharing.

Oh god this is awkward.. how do people watch Miley Cyrus without irony? Do you have to be high?

just a heads up. I just did a few test purchases, the shower radio promo code only works for the green color

just a heads up. I just did a few test purchases, the shower radio promo code only works for the green color

This is the same guy who directed that One Direction movie. I think his whole shtick is being that guy that makes people go, “Wait...he directed that movie?!”

“So… you’re still abortion-minded, even if you happen to be tubally pregnant?” she asked.

Morgan Spurlock?

I am not being disingenuous, I am honestly confused. I have a least two cousins and a couple of extended family members who “wear” (emphasis for terminology?) dreads and smell like patchouli and weed on the regular , at my sister’s wedding, at family gatherings and at this year’s Seder. So, Jewish. I respect your

Eh. I loved watching “Fashion Police” on a Friday night, looking at all the pretty and ugly women’s clothes (men’s clothes — yawn) while I sat braless and wearing a T-shirt with ice cream stains and yoga pants that have yet to namaste.

My exact expression when I found out this was a thing.

Or Emma Roberts. *rage increases*

Shailene Woodley: The poor man’s Jennifer Lawrence.

I have been afraid of/in love with Fairuza Balk my entire life. There’s NO ONE that can beat her Nancy. NO ONE. Between this and the Jem trailer, my childhood is so fucked right now. I’m going to go home and watch Return to Oz just to feel better/scare the shit out of myself.

Off topic: That man has the most beautiful eyes. ETA: And a really pretty cryface.

They are going to put Shailene Woodley in this, aren’t they?

How on earth are they going to cast that role?

First Jem, now THIS?? Ugh, I’m moving to Antarctica.


Uhhhhh....What. Really, there’s a point where a job stops being a job and more of a way to pass time. When you’re 71 and a multi-millionaire, being “exploited” is inapplicable. You’re not stitching shoes together in a nike sweatshop for 4 cents an hour, you’re a voice actor making hundreds of thousands of dollars an