@AFcakey: By that logic, my statements are facts.
@AFcakey: By that logic, my statements are facts.
@DARTH_TIGRIS: Only if the 360 runs off 1.21 giggawatts.
@emberdione: Because they can. You shouldn't agree with Pissed Off as much... He's a comedic character, much like the Angry Nintento (Videogame) Nerd. :]
@SpishackCola is approved for all ages!: I just started to play on a 1.12.1 server instead. Much more fun, more challenging and free. Unfortunately... You don't get away from all the russians (NO OFFENSE! DON'T GET ME WRONG HERE) and 7year olds running around like headless chickens in raids... Still, way better than…
@nantukoprime: I'm semi-similar. Well, not really... I still play on a 1.12.1 server out of my own free will. I love it and I loathe the 4.x content from the bottom of my heart. It's like Steve Jobs entered the Blizzard quarters and told them how to make the game "magical"... :|
@AFcakey: Let's see. Life 1: Sleep, work, eat, (censored)+peeing, ignoring your gf/wife, repeat.
@kencosgrove: What the... darn?
@Nick Edge: Haha! "Red Shirt Guy" have your another heart. :D
@SixThirty: Not to burst your bubble, I respect your comment and the decisions made regarding airplane regulations, however...
@Bruce Landwaster: Good point. However as much as I not only respect, but support (and to a certain degree both fight and demand) freedom, people are under the strangest delusions. Trying to argue AGAINST this will be met by no less than four sane people commenting (me included) and the rest being complete utter nut…
@TailsNZ: :'D This comment... You are hearted.
@maven2k: I see what you did there.
@bjmckenna: They just post what people send in - WITHOUT CNESORING IT.
@Scarbane: You have the right to know most of these things WikiLeaks reveals about these corrupt leaders and countries.
@seven5suited: Yeah, I agree with you. It's SO much worse that he INFORMED you that your OWN fucking government is spying, lying, killing, stealing, etc, etc...
@theprancingboar: What point? That if these Dutch people did this, it's somehow (magically) more special than if you did it yourself??
@Cisco-Kid: Two strikes in one article. Hearted.
@SixThirty: Indeed. I have no faith in most other people I meet. I've regrettet this a lot less than I otherwise would.
@Cisco-Kid: You deserve a star, kid. :'D
@emanze: Aw, they removed the video on yahoo. :'(