
@BobotheTeddy: yes, but just one C, instead of the 2 thats on the 50D. the 7D has 3. I can see the confusion but i wrote they got rid of "a" C mode, not "the" C mode.

@Medmondsr: lol Palm Pre is a great phone. If you need to post to insist the iPhone is superior even though its all subjective then you have bigger problems than I do.

decent update, and im glad they didnt raise the price too much, but looks like they dropped some good features. Did you have a chance to see is Auto ISO works in manual mode?

no big deal, the NFL fines you thousands for playing without your socks pulled up. $25,000 going to charity isnt so bad, and im sure #85 doesnt care about the cash.

@sevendust4: no you arent, and it was obvious he was brushing off the fines as childs money. you certainly didnt understand his tweet.

the quality of the write up really isnt up to par with other giz posts, though i do appreciate the no apple references

i dunno, i like to sit a few feet away from my 27" imac... my arm would get tired of using it as a touchscreen. could be useful for jukebox party mode, but i cant think of much else.

@baneyu: all depends on the contract. If the contract says a picture can only be used in the print version of People then that's what it means. If People buys all rights to the image then it's ok.

id totally expect LG's VP to say "not quite as good as the iPad"

"But at least for one day, he can say he was a near-millionaire who lost it all."

@Bizdady: the new pic is way better

its what i shove into cavities, kind of.

ita just a water pipe, whats so illegal about that?

are these gross or net? id imagine gross revenue, which doesnt mean a whole lot of anything if their costs are equally high

@NathanielSpace: if this means my bears get an offense again then im all for it.

@myxylplyx: yep. and i understand deadbeat fathers not paying child support sucks, but whats spending nearly $40,000 to cover his living expenses for a year really gonna teach him? let him pay rent, make him work, help the economy.

sounds good. i worked in a prison for a year. many of them deserve to be locked up, many of them are a waste of government resources and should be allowed to pay rent in their own prisons at home.

@MacAttack: im pretty sure if i created the "CBS" ("content by susbscription" or something) set top box it wouldnt fly.