
@junior ghoul: depends on the size, material, tooth, dentist

@kayakj: current amalgam ones do, but again, its safe

@Navin R Johnson: mercury in dental amalgam is perfectly safe when its mixed and placed in a tooth. its only unsafe in its unmixed form, when its still in its capsule.

@EBone: ,sorry to burst your bubble. Amalgam fillings still contain mercury(nearly 50% by weight usually), but it gets bound to silver, copper, tin, sometimes zinc... So it doesn't get absorbed into your body and really is perfectly safe regardless of what the conspiracy quacks say.

all your HDBase belong to them :(

@hoocli: i dont own one, but its certainly way better than an OK device.

well, atleast ATT can pass the blame on.

@PaddyDugan: if his infected computers infected everyone elses computers... isnt that our own fault for not having firewalls and virus protection ourselves?

@GitEmDoneSteveDave: ive never heard anyone blame the workers. they all blame BP execs.

@Jeb_Hoge: but when they blow they make your kid deaf.

@valkilmerisawful: val kilmer was amazing in kiss kiss bang bang. and not amazing like the dialogue in the Da Vinci Code, or the Lost Symbol, either.

@DanielJ: yep, just jump out of that plane, no chute needed!

cant wait for the Dan Brown version of this. actually, yes, i can wait. and id rather wait forever than read it.

@gemcosta: unless this is streaming 1080 its not even close to the same. additionally, OTA (which most of this stuff was anyways) is free and even higher quality.

it would be much better if you could pick random good looking people off the streets that read this site and were ready to rave... but that would be reallllllllly hard.

@minibeardeath: is the TV 4:3 or a 16:9 tv? from ur explanation im picturing a 4:3 CRT showing a FULL 16:9 image, yet somehow is not cropping the sides, and is not squishing and making people taller? the aspect is still changing to 4:3 in that case, so something screwy is going on.... do u have a picture of this?

@brillow: the crazy phenomenon is everywhere! even young people dont get it sometimes.

@minibeardeath: i dont get it.. you mean it fills the whole screen and somehow keeps proportions? how is that so? Or do you mean its just showing letterboxed with blackbars?

I had the most aggravating issues with TWC and their Cisco boxes. It kept switching from 1080i to 480i while on an HD channel, and wouldn't go back until I reset it.. but kept happening (even tho it was set to only output 1080i).