
Boyfriend does this, tampered down from his original line “How you doin’?” Which I quickly killed. I sent him this post this ensued.

These are all ‘shopped.

Boning someone at work is never the problem. Stopping boning is always where the trouble begins.

Amazing. I come from the dealer world, and I agree that another dealer will probably do all they can to make him happy and sell a car. That is why they are there.. to sell a car. Let’s be honest. Anyone who has sold anything knows that cultural and racial bias exists in the world of sales. It is part ignorance and

It’s cooler to be paleo/eat nothing but bacon and junk food and the occasional green juice, or something.



I prolly shouldnt post this gif or be laughing as hard as I am, but this column really brings out the worst in me and it’s cathartic so screw it:

No. When people say stupid anti-science shit, Gizmodo writes about it.

YES. I wanted that pink dress SO BADLY.

Does no one remember the Will Friedle Classic “My Date With the President’s Daughter”? I’m only 24 but that’s still my go-to first kid movie reference.

Oh man! I’m buying this on Bluray to go with The Last Samurai and 47 Ronin as an unofficial ‘wait, what? Why’s that guy here?’ trilogy.

Contrast Stein’s wavering to Bernie’s response:

I used to see Lincoln Chafee every day in college when I went to German class. He was a guest professor teaching a class in the same building. I’m happy to report that he is even more adorable in person. He sometimes wears Chuck Taylors with his suits.

Well, I guess my column of People I Never Expected To Feel Sympathy For now includes every woman ever employed by Fox News.

I don’t care if politicians are personally pro-life, so long as they don’t impose that on their constituents. That’s what “pro choice” means, after all.

I’m against abortion. So I wouldn’t have one. But I would never presume to tell another woman what to do with her body. Her body, her choice. You respect my right to make reproductive decisions and I’ll respect yours.

As a native of Cleveland, but a long-time resident of the Chicago suburbs living next door to a native Brazilian who is in the process of moving her family to Dallas even though her husband’s new job is in New York, I want you to know that I’ve completely lost track of what it is we were discussing.

I don’t have a law degree but have always been interested in this case (I like Britney). It made sense to me that it was ordered during her breakdown, which was pretty severe.