You’re moron. Mussolini made the trains run on time. So what? If you think Trump was politically “effective” because he delivered a pro forma “chicken in every pot” speech, with racist memes, you’re a double moron.
You’re moron. Mussolini made the trains run on time. So what? If you think Trump was politically “effective” because he delivered a pro forma “chicken in every pot” speech, with racist memes, you’re a double moron.
Nobody is ‘confusing’ you. You’re already confused. You’ve adopted the low bar of punditry, the idea that what matters in politics is the theater and the game, but not the policies or their effects. As the old saying goes, there is no one more dangerous in politics than the articulate idiot. Except, evidently, the…
Cool. Maybe write an op-ed about how a con man has made being American literally embarrassing. I don’t find it funny anymore. I’m not interested in the politics and semantics behind it anymore. I’m just so. fucking. done. Your analysis is asinine because nothing matters anymore.
No, fuck all that. An Indian immigrant was MURDERED in Kansas just a few days ago by a white supremacist who was motivated by the type of anti-immigrant sentiment that Donald Trump has promoted and mainstreamed further than any other politician in recent memory. And what does he do? Basically completely dismisses the…
I did not miss the part where he mentioned something vague about the environment on the same day he rescinded a clean water initiative of Obama’s. He’s an ignorant and vulgar twat.
Did you miss the part where he shifted the blame of the botched Navy SEAL operation to the generals and Obama? This man is a fucking disgrace and a coward. No one should respect this man. What a piece of shit.
I was having this conversation with a few friends this morning. It’s almost impossible to pick just one, but I do think this is the most offensive thing anyone in his cabinet has said so far.
Evangelicals are why I won’t even step foot in a church. They will accept all kinds of fuckery if you somehow attach Jesus’ name to it. They’re disgusting hypocrites.
To be fair, black evangelicals are also tremendous dicks.
This cannot be denied. Article was spot-on.
I grew up a white evangelical and I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees this. I shed my faith for a number of reasons, but I can’t help but feel like the attitudes of those around me were a huge part of why I couldn’t stand it anymore. Honestly, there’s so much good, positive stuff in the Bible, stuff that I think…
As a white Christian, I agree with this 100%. Most Evangelicals, in my opinion, are people who like to use Christianity as an excuse to be the biggest possible dicks they can to their fellow human beings. And they’re mostly white.
The be even more specific, it’s white evangelicals. They don’t break down these approval ratings into specific religious categories, but, if you look at the exit polling from the election, it was white evangelicals that supported Trump at the highest rate. 83% of white evangelicals voted for him, which is a higher…
“There are some terrible, dishonest people and they do tremendous disservice to our country and to our people, tremendous disservice, they are very dishonest,”
He doesn’t know what shame means either.
His hypocrisy is absolutely epic.
See also:
She lost me with her comments on white feminism. It’s not just power, it’s the power and cluelessness that whiteness affords.
Nuff said.
Help me out: I watched the first season and a few eps of Season 2. I quit because the characters were too arch (Katara is always right and Sokka is always idiotically wrong, for example), it had too much of a “power of friendship” vibe (wherein the characters’ love of each other was what was really needed to overcome…