Theres a huge problem with your community if discussing sexual assault and consent within the community is “polarizing”
Theres a huge problem with your community if discussing sexual assault and consent within the community is “polarizing”
Can somebody please tell NC cops that a book in the hands of a Black man is a metaphorical weapon?
The longer they can “truthfully” admit they haven’t seen it, the easier it is for them to dodge questions.
I love me some Radiohead, but that really does look like Thom Yorke.
... have you actually listened to that interview? Gene Simmons is an unbelievable piece of shit.
Gene Simmons is basically a Jewish Trump in platform boots, though. Dude loves to dish it out but absolute cannot take it.
yes but Gene Simmons went into that interview combative. it was doomed from “good evening.”
You have to love someone who tries to refute charges of sexism by bringing up Hillary’s vagina.
Every time she breathes, a scandal is manufactured by some assholes. Fuck off.
Pisses me off to no end. As other commenters have pointed out, literally no one else in that shot is smiling. Even if her dad hadn’t just died, this is a disappointing article to say the least.
“GAWD, can’t you SJWs ever just take a joke. Libturds.”
I bet the guys doing this think they’re *hilarious* and the students suffering their “pranks” have “no sense of humour”.
I’m blaming them for how they constantly get on their knees and eat his shit. I’m blaming them for their slavish devotion to false equivalence. I’m blaming them for covering–LIVE–an infomercial for a hotel opening.
He literally phoned it in every morning, month after month, getting 15 minutes of free attention on station after station. Soon his craziness became commonplace, and as long as he doesn’t shit his pant on stage, he’s called presidential.
Yes. It was a farce the Birther movement got so much attention in the first place. His response after Obama released his birth certificate is a farce. The fact it has taken him so long to publicly take back his insane racist bullshit is a farce. And the fact that he could call the press to an ad for his hotel instead…
Actually, it is.
So, basically, he yet again conned the entire media apparatus into breathlessly covering every banal statement and demonstrable lie he made, and got more free advertising for his gaudy bullshit. Sounds like the last fourteen months. Keep fucking that chicken, y’all.
I predict many thoughtful uses of the word “cuck.”
Well I don’t see him trying to discriminate and deport white Christians. He hasn’t claimed that white judges can’t do their jobs because of their race. He hasn’t called British immigrants who overstay their visas “rapists and murderers”. Hitler was also a pyschopath AND a racist one at that. I have no idea why so many…