
it's cool but it feels kinda slow for me, I'd rather type everything myself because I can type it so much faster than I can take to choose what google has to offer me for what I want to write

Man, the only thing I envy on a mac is the great looking interface. And i'd rather not get one of those "mac conversion packs" because they all seem to be missing something.

@2 replies: you have to write define internet rather than define: internet

they should delay it until december 30th 2012

I'd rather put the TV on the wall and give it some sort of black border maybe about an inch or two on each side, that would look really nice but would also require me to keep the same TV unless I just repaint or expand the amount of paint

@ircmaster: also I realize this has nothing to do with what you said, but i'm just like including it to my post i guess :3

@Zachonium: well the d-pad functionality doesn't really help me much as I don't play fighting games (or for that matter games that require the d-pad much) but I understand that the analog sticks are better and I'm really liking the colors on this controller

To be honest, the new buttons personally don't bother me because I rarely look down at the controller when playing games anyway. Thanks to muscle memory I don't have to struggle to figure out which button is where

How much do they cost? I couldn't find anything on the website.

@matt_mcmhn: actually windows 7 was made with touch in mind as well

@Fulgrymm: psh so you'd rather believe the official website over Gizmodo?

I like this post better than Gizmodo's.

@KamWrex: "Available in up to 16 GB."

Obviously the reason why both league-wide popularity and local fan support went down when he picked "answer with indifference" is because it's all about the he said she said bullshit

@etchasketchist: It'd just be you going on a rant about how you're from Queensbridge and telling your daughters to let go of your wheaties box

I have a feeling this would be really great for First-Person Shooters

We can't really understand the universe and its creation. While we can make theories about what happened nobody truly knows what happened and I don't believe there are enough resources here on earth to currently make any conclusions.

@Diesel: Yeah it's not like "you take their bullet" in a literal sense, but more of a "You get a bullet" type of thing

yes please