
@Jimmy_Jazz: You can't really blame the people for buying a product that seems good on the outside and later finding out it has major issues. It's not their fault, it's the product provider's fault.

@Al Iguana: also this is a sort of unrelated to my original question but I can't seem to figure out a way to download apps. I tried looking online but I couldn't find anything either

NEITHER !! They announce their stupid new ipod touch and ipad with a camera and make NO mention whatsoever of the iphone

Is there a way to reduce the lag ?

@Behrditz: the cosmic spidey is a pre-order bonus costume from gamestop

I'm replaying the game now and to be honest I use it about 80% of the time I'm playing, the other 20% it's off during cutscenes or times when I'm just moving from one location to the other

Apple buys USA, plans to go for France next

@memarrone: what makes you think that ?

@golferal: I feel the same way. I really dislike Apple and their products except for the iphone which I do own but lately I've been put off by the way Apple acts. To be honest it might not be a long time until I decide to switch from my iphone to another phone from a company I can put more trust into. Maybe HTC.

@garci66: i know it was a joke :3

you can put in one of the sliders for the volume on the side instead of a dedicated button, of course maybe there needs to be some way of controlling it so it doesn't just change your volume every time you hold the phone

oh great, the antenna is on the back, does that mean that every grip is a death grip ?

@gemcosta: I thought you were going to say common sense

Where's Bruce Wayne?

Looks like something Lady Gaga would wear

after not getting it for a good 2-3 minutes i eventually lol'd

@ircmaster: only way I could get the comparison to work __

looks like Mario (couldn't get the mario pick up)