
@Your_Real_Father: No, it's not like I despise the iPad or something like that I mean I would get it over other tablets like the slate and the Archos 9 if it turns out to be cheaper but what really draws me in is the interface and the way things react with each other and it's not something I've seen with the iPad.

@Your_Real_Father: well considering the fact that it's still in the pre-alpha stage I would expect it not to have many apps but it looks like something new and refreshing and it looks really fun to use

So far it looks amazing and to be honest a lot better than what the iPad brings to the table. I can't wait to see how it will look in its final stage.

@Korrupt: I think we'll need a bigger stick

too bad I can't upgrade, my itunes is completely b0rked ______

Fifa World Online and Red Dead Redemption

@citrin: this is all I see when I go to that page


co op <3

What I want to know is, will I be able to visit my house ?

@Evdor: I'm pretty sure he was just out for a Test Drive and he felt the Need for Speed. After that it all became a Blur.

@willz0rz: Well that is one factor why it's such a great game. Not only that, it continued and maybe even improved on what Half-Life 1 was.

You're weird

@willz0rz: I understand that but then again if you're going to base it on that mentality than why not have the first super mario instead of Mario 64 or why not have the first Zelda game.

I think Half-Life 2 should be added in instead of Half-Life

@Owen Good: Yeah but his popularity has risen so much that Manhattan Island was temporarily renamed to Revis Island in his honor.

Darelle Revis should've been there :/

@unruly: In fact I have extra.

All I put on my farm is crudely painted not so funny plywood cutout folk art

God of War: Triathlon coming soon and the first event is swimming.