
Sounds like he says "Mark" at the beggining of the video.

I'm definitely lokoing at a few games. There are 2 games I'm buying for sure, those are LittleBigPlanet and Left4Dead but I'm also looking at Far Cry 2 and possible Skate 2 next year.

I just hope you don't sign up through Qore. I can't pay for anything right now since all my credit cards are fucked. But in the case that it is through Qore I'm still going to find a way to pay for it and get in the beta. I bought a PS3 and a PS Eye just for this game. I'm not going to give up my fanboyism just like

Shit, I want one. That's a sweet deal.

But Harmonix did add the cymbals after they saw it on the Guitar Hero drums. I remember hearing that the new drums would just be the same old ones with some improvements.

Looks purty

My friend has the same theme :D



Woah, Microsoft giving stuff away for free?

Banjo Kajooie eh? I gotta check that one out

It's pretty much a racing version of Far Cry 2.

I'll cut off your head and shit down your throat.

Gameex link doesn't work.