Yeah, I mean, they could have implemented AI crew members that you would, say, give orders to using a popup menu or hotkeys.
Yeah, I mean, they could have implemented AI crew members that you would, say, give orders to using a popup menu or hotkeys.
You forgot this: Boom roasted.
Ironically, he could use some work on his offensive lines.
Do you think there was any to begin with?
Someone got after me on the previous “boobie streamers” thread about how “immoral” it was to go after lonely guys by displaying cleavage on a stream.
Two things:
1.) This person was arguing that it was only “logical” that the behavior was immoral.
I know everyone’s sick of me saying this, but I’m trying to frame here:…
This was not a “dad joke.”
Vikings have a long tradition of marrying themselves to cousins.
While I don’t make a habit of rooting against white folks, I will be rooting against Grayson Allen.
Relax, friend. Here...calm down with this delicious Hormel Black Label Bacon.
I love when developers find interesting ways to interact with their fan base. Just makes me respect them even more.
“If you’re an A.V. Club reader, you probably share our general cynicism for promotional nonsense.”
That rare instance where it’s appropriate to @ both SportsCenter and the FBI.
$300 “light dinner and drinks”?!?*
I just recently got back into the game and I can tell ya, there are still plenty of new guys to the game. I still got my ass kicked a few times but I did some duels and got with people around my skill level, and with the new Tribute gamemode it almost doesn’t matter.
So actually, right now is a good time to get back into For Honor, and I say this as somebody who’s been playing For Honor almost since launch. There’s this event right now-Test Your Metal, though it ends in a day or two-and the launch of Season Five has really reinvigorated the playerbase. Yeah, ‘cause I ended up…
I am fully charged!
Don’t take this the wrong way, but your wife sounds difficult.
Similar to the bloody nose I got while trying to bring all of the groceries in from the car in one trip.