
“Hello, I’m Nazi doctor Leo Spaceman....I know it’s live, I want people to know!” still kills me just thinking about it

waiting for this to become free because, at this point, that still has to be the plan, right?

This is why I’m glad i’m an uncle.

All the fun of having a lil homie with none of the responsibility/stress of making sure he doesn’t grow up to be a sociopath

Sunset OveRage

Remember that MTV diss show “Yo Momma”

Everyone keeps saying Clarkes manager took the fall but, paired with Paperbois speech about “Niggas doin what they gotta do” and how nobody else was going to look out for him, I took it as Clarke doing what he had to do and switching bags with him

I haven’t played the game so no spoilers they get harder in the snow levels?

How about he go secure some shit

The code didnt work for me but after a chat with customer service I was able to get it applied

The code didnt work for me but after a chat with customer service I was able to get it applied

I finally bought this game last year and I just wanted to say the Bloody Baron arc was fucking amazing. I haven’t played much past that but damn..made me see what all the fuss about this game was about

they really missed a chance to make Black Panthers bracelet a thing

the renamed teams was the most enjoyable aspect to me. some of the puns are pretty solid

that just came off feeling like a barebones madden down to some of the reused animations.

If you can’t rupture testicles in a football game, I don’t want it

+1 for teaching me the term chekov’s gun 

Ready for this to make the console in 2019

This was Luke Null’s biggest role since that unfortunate class bully sketch

I read the headline, saw his first name and was like “Welp, I know where this is goin to go”

the exasperated slap kills me every time

Now playing

Its nothing new. In the black community we’ve known about it for years, lmao

Sounds like the same argument about Overwatch vs Rainbow 6 Siege and judging mechanics by their cover. Looking like a cartoon doesn’t make it any less tactical