
I thought my girl and I headbutting each other while playing the PT demo was good

The unruly guns is a great point. Nothing like blasting through a room with two shotguns with ricochet ammo flailing about. Bought the game during the last xbox sale and glad I did, ready to make The New Colossus a day 1 purchase

Episode 3 was some shit.

I’m into so far and usually give FX benefit of the doubt when it comes to their shows

I was going to during the last Xbox sale but ended up grabbing Wolfenstein (fantastic game) since i sold my 360 before i finished it

Guess I gotta grab this at the next sale

On a side note, I beat Wolfenstein: The New Order yesterday

Fantastic game from start to finish, especially during these times of people wanting to face punch nazis

Snowfall is off to a solid start, too

I bet he farted.

Everytime I hear a story like this I think of this local bullshit that circulated

My only guess would be the presumed target audience for the broadcast. While the game is T, don’t know if the broadcast include any splash screen warning like you would before a normal broadcast TV show(This is rated T for teen blah blah).

If they call it Lady Doctor Who, would that help?

Apparently my thought process has a juvenile theme

thats my “Getting zoned by Aquaman/Deadshot on Injustice 2 online” face

I’ll say that his Negro Sense should’ve been tingling. I don’t go out much anymore but, when I used to and sometimes still when I do, its like you can feel the energy change in the room when shit is about to happen.

I’m sure thats a common thing among all races, but it’s the same reason why we’re always the first to

Remind me what I typed made you land at that conclusion?

His friends that were there were white. They weren’t attacked because 1) Could have been because they were white. They safe because weren’t beaten to death in the street like a goddamn dog

So traveling while black is an offense punishable by death, too? Noted.

White and safe

goddamn thats nightmare fuel for me