
I thought this said “chicks”



I wouldn’t have, but now that this article is out the first thing I let them get away with is thinking its a world connection on purpose

you had me at giant robot

you had me at giant robot

Thanks for the reminder, now I can get back into this game after burning myself out on it.

Now the question is what faction should I side with for the end game? Its coming to a point where i need to make a decision or is it one of those things that isn’t as relevant as it seems to get the “best” ending? This isn’t

Thanks for the reminder, now I can get back into this game after burning myself out on it.

Now the question is what

I don’t have kids but that episode was a thought i’ve had in my head numerous times. Especially in the sense that, me being in an interracial relationship, I always have the thought of how much “black” I should throw at my unborn child and how early.

The ones with the athletes are typically the best

The MKX with Gronk and Lynch (new Eidos game) was pretty damn good

Dangue fever?


lemme hold bout $20 then

Jay was in “Zack and Miri make a porno”

This is why i prefer Russian Roulette at my game nights

just as painful, shitton quicker

Now playing

hell, in the header pic look like he’s waiting for the signal

WHERE WERE YOU DAYS AGO because this is exactly how it happened. I don’t keep up with deck builds and things like that so I had no idea what was going on til it happened, haha. Haven’t ran into another yet but when I see a rouge I’m always on alert now

i tried that but he also had some card that healed for 8 health on the battlecry, copied that too. It was all bad for me, hahah

it forced me to add healing cards to all my decks just incase i ran up against em again

woudla came in handy the times i faced a rogue yesterday that just beat me with that copy card and murlocks that make you draw 2 to exhaust my deck

(dont know the card names but im sure im not the only one)

it feels sooooo good when you beat someone who spent real money on it though, hahah....althoughmy record is absolute shit because of it....but its the little things

This is one of the things my current gym doesn’t have so I’ve been looking on amazon to grab one.