“You have no idea how little we care about what people say.”
— Rumi
“You have no idea how little we care about what people say.”
— Rumi
Boy, that was a lot! If you thought to yourself, “isn’t it ‘interesting’ that Sarah Huckabee Sanders answered a question about racist police violence by going off on a wild, panicked tangent about the economy and border security?” you are definitely not alone.
“effectively advocated for the most insidious form of toxic individualism — the idea that collective action and lobbying your government to do better is actually immoral. (I.e. the philosophical foundation of modern conservatism.)“
It’s damn near impossible for people who lack the most basic level of human decency to form a decent response.
A good chuck of them probably had grandparents immigrant to the country who relied on a lot of these social programs, and how these fuckers can still look at themselves in the morning is beyond me
Just defund ICE, then there’s no need to worry about their detainer request.
I know zero about California- is Orange County he worst? It always seems that way
this is what espn does. The correct answer is to not watch literally any televised news. None, zero. Unless there is a natural disaster in my area i wont watch tv news. I consume news on my RSS feed.
Yeah I too.....No wait.
I suspect (and fervently) hope that his deranged callous CPR comment follows him around for the rest of his life. Every shows he’s ever on should ask him about it.
This is proof positive, to me at least, that there is at least one illegitimate Trump wandering around out there that isn’t named Tiffany.
In many ways, the stupidest part of a generally moronic comment was the “instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem” part. So kids getting shot with high-powered semi-automatic rifles in school is THEIR problem? We—the “adults”—didn’t have anything to do with creating the problem?
Yeah - I am always kind of amazed at how many reasonable people I know who watch cable news on a regular basis. I haven’t had cable in probably more than a decade, and whenever I go visit my parents or stay in a hotel, I am honestly flabbergasted at how ridiculous CNN and the like are. I think you go a while without…
“Presenting the other side” is a false equivalency. I know what the “other side” says. It is actually predictable. The “right” has always been wrong. They have consistently been against the arc of human progress throughout history. They can lay in the filth of the Sinclair, Fox, etc. propaganda pits until they drown…
I’ve been beating the drum of “fuck pundits” since the rise of Limbaugh. At the end of the day, it’s the act of patronizing someone who will read the news *for* you.
I need to apply as a job as CNN commentator: the hours seem to be light, the pay good, and you don’t really need to know anything.
His broader point, he added, was that kids should be joining organizations that focus on preventing gun violence.
Also, wouldn’t that also be looking for someone else to solve the problem, at least as much as what he’s saying about their protests? That, to me, was the absolute apex of the stupidity of his original comment, that anything other than getting elected to Congress is an exercise in futility and, somehow, helpless…
I often confuse “perform CPR” with “join organizations to prevent gun violence.” In fact, my father died because when he had a heart attack, I responded by filling out an application for a job at the Brady Center (I didn’t get it).
“The Mooch”...and the downward spiral continues. What the fuck is a “The Mooch” supposed to be? Does the dough-bellied freak know ANYONE who isn’t an oily weirdo? “The Mooch”, talk about humiliating. At this point anyone who isn’t actively rooting for Fatty McJigglebelly to keel over and croak isn’t paying enough…