
Found the Chinese agent ^.

Do I think this is fair? No.
Do I think this is right? No.

I dont hate, I desire change. I dont want anyone using hateful words so that means I am a racist (hahaha always will laugh at that one...and the N-word is one of a TON on that list. I dont want to be “able” to say Honky or Redneck and I doubt you will say that only white people can say those words so again at a loss)

It’s great that you want to personally support USPS, but lets not get the idea that the citizens need to step up and give extra money for them to survive. They are a government program that is supposed to be funded by our tax dollars. This whole funding problem is happening because our government is letting us down...

Speaking of talking points. 

90% of my mail is junk mail and junk mail for people who haven’t lived in my apartment for years. I keep leaving messages for the carrier that none of those people live here, they deliver anyway. I’d gladly pay for a service that makes sure only relevant mail makes it to my box.

If only they had a ready infrastructure and labor pool who could efficiently deliver some additional mail...

I’m not a conservative. I can, and do, think for myself. I also don’t need any seeds so I have no dog in this fight. Since you seem to need it spelled out for you, there are entire websites dedicated to this type of political BS. This shouldn’t be one of them.

Is it because they’re in cars that makes this article appropriate for a website for car enthusiasts? That seems like a pretty flimsy excuse to write yet another political article. No?

A resulting Great Depression from stay at home orders could easily kill as many or more compared to Covid 19. Many State Governors are picking winners and losers when shutting down their respective States.  There has to be a point of diminishing returns on Stay At Home orders. 

Ah, yet another political article telling other people how bad they are and assuming their intelligence because they disagree with you.

I’ve heard it far more in Boston and Indianapolis than I ever have in the south and I live in the south.

So you just omit the largest offender of the use of this word....because its a argument? 

Asking the question doesn’t automatically make someone racist. Jumping the gun and going straight to the race car does show that you can’t answer the question on an intellectual level, though. And by “you” I mean mainstream America.

Ugh. There’s always a dick that juat has to take a good natured joke and turn it into his personal political cause....

Thanks Obama.

This “shitbag” you speak of (your president) has never accepted a check from the American people. And this made me LOL “Turnout will favor Democrats this year, because Trump’s people were last time and we know what that got us.” Are you fucking serious??? I want what you are smoking and I got one word for you this

But that’s not anything close to what you actually said. I originally didn’t comment because I didn’t know what the hell you were saying - “this” in the context of your single sentence is meaningless. 

What is this? Have you fallen and hit your head? Are you perhaps inebriated? What the hell are you doing here? A man was seriously injured tonight and for a moment thought to be much worse. This is neither the time nor the place to push an entirely unrelated and nebulous agenda. Grow up. 

How very woke of you.