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    Comparing Antifa to civil rights marchers is an insult to everyone who fought for civil rights.

    The fact that you would pick either one says a lot. Life is not a binary choice.

    Whew, thank goodness no one on the left has violent tendencies!

    I missed the part where any actual people from the 1940s German army were there. Nazi worshipers suck, people accusing people of something they had nothing to do with sucks just as much.

    Antifa much?

    Dude on the other side of the stream - Holy crap was that a Porsche flying at me? Wow that was unbelievable! Lemme check Facebook.

    I know a girl that could do that...couldn’t keep her hands off of that darn stalk...thank goodness

    Track list is sweet...just replace tracks 12-14 with more Ultramagnetic.

    Sweet...that means you could tune the ECU with a 1541 disk drive and a set of 5 1/4 floppies!

    “Hey, do you still need that ride?”

    Is that anything close to a government provided “shonuff” service? If so, I’m all for it!

    Everything is better with bees...and more exciting

    The last thing you wanna do is piss off the guy that controls the lube.

    No manuals for xDrive equipped 3s anymore...Booooo. I still miss my 2007 E90 328xi with 6-speed manual. Cruelly totaled by a minivan. Since moved on to a 2013 F30 328i w/xDrive and *cough* automatic. I will say this auto is the best auto I’ve ever driven.

    Maybe you should have married Sally Field.

    That sounds like 5th gear. I watched that along with the other Mike Brewer show on there. Show about someone looking for a particular type of car and Mike showing them 3-4 choices that fit the description and tips on what to look for in a used car before purchase.

    Wow...you have charts and stuff. I didn’t see any of those charts that show what happened to the 9+ trillion dollars that Barry added to our great great great great great grandkids debt lines. I would think you could fix a couple bridges for that kind of money. Point is...government wastes money. Regardless of

    Seen one a few times in my area...newer VW I think with a Euro front plate (PA only requires rear plate) that says R3VO3VOM If they’re behind me, I won’t.