Lo Eye Kyu

My father turns 80 next month. Still has all of his. No trouble

I have a very similar dish I refer to as OatMeat because it is mostly oatmeal with a few bits of BBQ crusty bits an egg and whatever salsa-esque veggies I care to mix in plus BBQ sauce and/or Sriracha.  My wife refuses to touch it.

It just takes three letters to eat cheaply: TVP. This roughly $.07 per serving ground beef replacement (that is also healthier) will change chili, sloppy joes, etc. into an even cheaper meal.

Uhm...that method is dumb.

Similar scenario for milk alternatives. I create oat “milk” in one minute of 1 cup oats and 3-4 cups water in our food processor. Fine as-is on cereal, coffee, hot cocoa, or pasta sauces. Add a splash or vanilla extract and a sweetener (e.g. maple syrup, honey, agave) if you just want to drink it straight.

I used my 2006 Vibe as a mobile office when I was travelling for work. That fold down passenger seat and AC adapter made it easy. I could also fit everything for a booth at an event in the back without issue.

You should look at the fans from “Be Quiet!” if you really want to decrease noise.

“...the new blockchain-based...”

At 49 I don’t think I should have acne...but my teenage skin says otherwise. Lots of oil production here.

Here is how locating in Indianapolis will hurt the city w/o notable tax changes throughout the state. Currently, the Indiana property tax caps limit the ability for localities to raise these, but the real problem is local income tax.

Ugh. Milktooth. I can waste two hours in better ways.

While I cannot comment specific to pot brownies, my go to add for chocolate cookies and brownie recipes is red wine. It definitely improves the flavor.

Pesto all the things!

The appropriate response to any question relating to how Soylent tastes is: it varies from person to person.

I just want to know if we can use it on Google Image search:

Because we are talking about a LEGAL case and not your opinion.

I have also had arguments per using olive oil with popcorn. The temperature where popcorn pops is notably lower than the smoke point of EVO and I have pointed that out to people time and again.

Because that is exactly what they do. If you pay for their service then it is almost impossible to find out who is behind it. But the moment you report on someone using their service to do something untoward they give your contact info to that person/group.

As the president of our HOA I invite any of our members to plant anything native in whatever way they want. I don’t even care if it is an acre of dandelions and Canadian thistle.