
I was really impressed with some of the paintings in Bioshock 2! Here's one, more are in the replies.

I couldn't tell you... I don't do much commenting on here, haha.

Click the little heart on the top right of their comment. At least, I'm pretty sure that's how you do it.

I feel you, it's certainly not for everyone. But I love it for the theme lol.

I really want to play those! Like, a lot! What really got me was the environment, though. As good as the story was, it really was about the deco city underwater. I also really liked the entire reason the city existed in the first place. The scene in the bathysphere is, imo, the most beautiful and poignant moment that

The Bioshocks? How come?

When I'm not working backstage, I will be playing Skyrim. When I eat, I will multitask and play Skyrim. When I sleep, I will dream about Skyrim. Ok, not really. But I'll play a decent amount of it this weekend... if I get the time. *crosses fingers*

Obligatory Skyrim comment

Both, lol

I'm not sure, but you could probably put them in a folder!

It's simple— gloss looks much better in advertisements. Once the product has been out for a while, the matte product can be shipped, and the gloss pictures can still be used. But yeah, gloss is annoying.


They're going to have to hire an insane amount of window cleaners...

Yeah! I'm really enjoying the story! It takes the story you learned in Bioshock, and really fleshes it out an expands it— it's the story of Rapture, so some is new, some isn't. Overall, I find it compelling and interesting. Also pretty fresh, even though I know the games well!

Wal Mart had an MP3 store?

I'm reading Bioshock: Rapture, and it's AWESOME! I'm tearing through it faster than any other book in recent memory (like, 3). Although this is probably due to the fact that I am a massive Bioshock fan!
