i, Podius

Dalmore 12 was horrid. I ended up using the rest of the bottle for whisky cake so I wouldn’t have to drink it. Auchentoshan is just bland. It’s distilled too many times, and just didn’t taste like... well, whisky. But... I will drink the hell out of the Balvenie 12y Double-Wood. It’s only about $50-60 a bottle, and

I checked my account, and was surprised to see that I only signed up in 2005. I could have sworn it was closer to 2001 or 2002. 5% would have been great.

This headline makes me so sad. I opened my ING Orange account (now CapitalOne 360 and of significantly lower value) back when the savings account rate was 3%. I’m old.

I’d second Patrick’s advice, and also recommend reading The Gift of Fear by Gavin DeBecker. Not all of the stories in the book will be as “vanilla” Hurt Again’s story, but it’s on the same spectrum. Break contact with that person and don’t relent - don’t talk to him or give him any in to get back in contact with you.

Goddamned brilliant. Go! Do! Awesome!

Rub his leg while he’s kissing her.

Bonus points for a Howard Cosell impression. I’m picturing something along the lines of the Korean brothers in Better Off Dead. Maybe to make it real fun, each family member can take on the persona of a different commentator. Cosell, and as another commenter mentioned John Madden, and maybe Al Michaels or, I dunno,

(I know, I was having some fun with you.) :)

No crunchy tacos, no problem.

Alamo Drafthouse was awesome when I was working in Texas for a while. The food sucked, but the concept was magical: no kids for most shows, beer, servers, a “table” for food, and reserved seating. And they had shows for new parents where they volume is lowered significantly and the lights are still on low for seeing,

This is a big part of what’s wrong with theater movies these days. If I ever get stuck next to somebody eating a crunchy goddamned taco next to me in the dark, I’m going to have a drink accident.

Wait. Applebee’s and Live Free Or Die Hard was “the best?” I question your judgement on this....

1. (Out of the control of theaters) Fewer assholes checking their texts/taking to people on phones.

All I can say, from my ivory tower, surrounded by family that isn’t made of pure asshole, is this: 31 years is toolong to not have much of an inkling that your family are complete bastards.

Thanks Beth! I don’t have time right now to dive into this, but the lists of things will no doubt help me in the coming weeks. Happy New Year!

These are some tough ass brackets, Nick. Jesus wept: McCartney vs. Lennon, right off the bat? Both to the trash, I say. Also, Last Christmas is a Christmas Song in Name Only, a category which I will now call “CSINO” (pronounced “casino”) for the rest of my life.

Amen to that. Sometimes easier said than practiced, however.

Tidings of comfort and joy, inbound hot. Seriously, that’s tough. Best wishes for a speedy recovery for your kiddo.

“... having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.”

Tell me about these BMW 5-series. Any decent E28s in there hiding out?