
Thats horrible, please take one of these poor kids places. It might have been a joke (And i hope it was), but after what I just saw on that website, that was the worst thing ever.

They did. Im pretty sure.

If you think that was bad, hear the music video Friday....

I totally agree, we only have so much power, control, and knowledge. And I dont want to try to get intensive research done with cesium 137 either! We only know what we have studied and discovered, but havent had a "hands on" experience from it. Only accidents.

Im fine with that! As long as its powering my house.... Maybe we should all fill our backyards with wind mills and our roofs with extra powerful solar panels!!!! And all our electronics can also be powered solar.... And we can use small hydroelectric power too!

Wait, why are you not calling it Reagan? Isnt it named after one of our former presidents, Ronald Reagan? Unless you have something against him...

HAL had to be shut off

Then he didnt give your devices freedom, OtherOS was there for different purposes already, he allowed people to play pirated games.

Well considering that he got OtherOS taking away, so that was the ramifications of HIS decisions. OtherOS wouldnt have gone away if he didnt want to brag about it. You dont own the software, you own the hardware. You updated KNOWING that OtherOS was going away, you could have stayed on old firmware.

Well considering that he got OtherOS taking away, so that was the ramifications of HIS decisions. OtherOS wouldnt have gone away if he didnt want to brag about it. You dont own the software, you own the hardware. You updated KNOWING that OtherOS was going away, you could have stayed on old firmware.

But not having the content available is something you knew, and Im fine with it. I dont like that content, and wouldnt ever want it. If you wanted to (not that i would think a parent would) let your kids get access to that "content" then you would be able to buy other devices, and maybe show them online... Disgusting,

There isnt a restriction on what phone you could choose, and you chose knowing the moral rules, that phone. I agree with them

But you do have other choices, other phones.... You knew when you bought the product that there is ONE appstore. There are other phones meaning other "stores". And actually if the battery or screen was to go out, they wouldnt know that you installed that they didnt approve.

Most games that have that type of stuff are 17+... Do you walk around the city naked? If you did you would be punished by law, as it is not what lots of people want to see. It is arguable that kids should not see that content. For a lot of people it is offensive, you see stuff on war all the time on the news but do

But there are people that disagree with you, probably including Apple. It does raise legal issues, and a lot of people DO not like that stuff accessible through through the app store.... If Apple doesnt like that stuff, like a lot of people, including me, they should be free to not include it on there store. For them,

I totally agree +1

You bought the device knowing that, and most people like it the way it is. There would be more people complaining that this app that was from an non apple store ruined there phone.

I totally agree, I dont like that crap, and Im glad that it isnt in the appstore. There they have a customer that likes the way they do it.

They arent being the bad guy, to some people who like that content they are. But to most of the people they arent. A lot of people dont like that content, and dont want it to be accessible from there Appstore. I knew that when I was buying it, and I was happy! I knew that the App Store was a pretty clean store, and I

(This may be a double post) But the things is that Apple shouldnt have to sell something they dont like.... I dont like that "stuff" and I bought the product knowing that I wouldnt have to mess with that stuff in the App Store.