
What about AT&T that is my wireless and my internet provider and my landline and my tv.

@Arbron: The argument here is not about how many more incidents have happened while someone is on drugs or not. It is about if it can happen and why it should be solved. If its a problem my argument was to fix it.

@quitcherbichinn: but there are also people that could. There are also people tht coudnt get the new iphone, but there were a lot that could.

@quitcherbichinn: I guarantee you that he will be grandfathered in. No buts, it is an unlimited plan and he will be grandfathered in regardless of the time. AT&T indicated on its Facebook page that those customers will continue to be able to upgrade to the current $30 unlimited data plan even after it is officially

@Arbron: Actually if I need to work on my reading skills you do too. I said that those who commit the crime and are under the influence to do it should be punished not become extinct. There have been a lot of cases where a person under influence has killed someone.

@quitcherbichinn: Actually this is correct. Its says that current smartphone users are grandfathered in. The 2g was a smartphone and though the plan is $10 cheaper it was an unlimited data plan for smartphones. They will be grandfathered in. Original iPhone users still on 2G plans are unaffected by the new plan

@mike.mac: You will be grandfathered in to unlimited but will have to pay $30 for 3g...

@jverser: Oh my god!!!! Now he has the Kinetic that can follow you around and see you every moment.... I hope he dosent disconnect my life support systems..... Then when I disconnect it and he gets red rings he will sing

@jverser: HAL's gonna read my lips while im talking about disconnecting him and try to kill me.... He will have a red ring right there and blow up...

@jverser: Its gonna kill me!!!!

@Arbron: Are you saying that reproduction should happen from rape? Sure we cannot fully stop murder or rape, but we can punish those who do it or are under influence of an item that could make them.

@Vultan: My responses detract from any reasonable argument? Talk about kids? The argument is about marijuana if you didnt already know and im more on topic than you are. Hostile and Angry? I am sorry if i offended you potheads.... Did non-druggies and people that earn there money respectfully make fun of you or send

@Arbron: Still a problem right??? Then why not solve it instead of increasing it and spreading it?

@iphone_myphone: Oh ya and you probably do make 300 grand a year by selling weed to minors and making them pot heads like you.... Weed is a problem and all you are doing is increasing it.... Weed dosent hamper success for people like you who sell it to minors that soon become criminals because of one thing they do

@Vultan: Ya and thats why your replying like a 3rd grader.... Um and lots of people have died smoking weed.... And lots of people have been killed by people under the influence of weed... So go get a real argument pot head....

@JackMBUR: Its like im tweleve years old? Ok than tell me this why is weed illegal? Why people get arrested for having it? OH because the police is scared that high people will murder there snacks????

@zenneth: "Basically, what 20-year-olds Jacob Walker and buddy Joseph Velarde did was smoke a shit ton of their own stash, get stoned, and then come up with what, at the time, probably seemed like the most ingenious idea either of their fried brain cells had ever conceived."

@djdare: Ya and i also hope that no one was killed by these druggies.... People get murdered by drunk and drugged people.... people get raped by drunk and drugged people.... so ya people like this do need to be arrested because if they dont arrest them dumb asses like this will just spread and rape and murder more

@MrHaroHaro: The new iPhone will be unlocked within days and is pentaband, the second in its class after the Nokia N8