I don’t think it looks bad! Just, you know, bruisy. : )
I don’t think it looks bad! Just, you know, bruisy. : )
That’s how my legs look all the time. I think it’s a pale/ clumsy thing.
That guy should not be a cop. Jesus Christ.
That sounds so infuriating!
Yes, unfortunately.
Not all of us are blobfish, you mean?? :)
Wow, that is some fucking awful art.
I think choosing not to consider racism is the same as deciding racism is not a dealbreaker. I don’t think it’s racist in the way that the Klan is racist, but I don’t think it’s nothing either.
I don’t think I am.
As one of the teachers in another piece said, not everyone who voted for Trump is a racist, but everyone who voted for Trump decided racism was not a deal-breaker.
This “This is not about how much America hates women or how sexist America is, because it’s clear that white women helped facilitate Trump’s win” really doesn’t make sense. I agree with you that this election has a lot to do with racism, that sentence just stuck out to me as really not making sense.
Ignore the troll! Everyone makes mistakes and your story doesn’t make you sound like a trainwreck. (The troll is making a few of his own mistakes now by trying to upset people on the Internet for shits and giggles.) <3
So gross. And just, rude and disgusting. > : (
Do you have vasovagal syncope and low blood pressure? : )
I think he looks like male Gigi Hadid?
I remember hearing a criticism of him as being like “too dated” for modern people to relate to. I get it, he’s anti-semitic, he’s sexist, he’s racist, but so is a ton of old shit we still read.
Ewwwwww but agreed.
Woohoo Anthony Trollope
Have you read the Handmaid’s Tale? Like, sure, that’s a Dystopia, but some of it feels pretty relevant.
True, but I still love her. : )