
I do not think all those voting for Donald Trump are racist, but I do think ALL the racists will be voting. - Whoopi Goldberg

I agree. I am worried though, as I look at the title of the stories I am commenting on, that they will not.

I’m willing to

I don’t think so because a lot of us voted Obama twice, and yet Trump flipped HEAVY Obama counties. I think it was backlash against the hypocrisy of the Left, the lies of the Left and especially the Oligarchy: “vote for me or ____ will be elected!” Unfortunately, Hillary lost in all three of those areas, and lost

I said months ago that “But Trump!” was not an adequate excuse/reason. It is not now. Obama lost a lot of my respect for asserting that we are a “two party system” when in fact if you look at Millenial/Gen Y polling before “Drumpf” you see a fairly even 4-party split.

“Last night, the hidden factions of white supremacy fully emerged”

Nah, I don’t think so. Her nomination was the end of the current Democratic Party. But would it have occurred in 2020? Doubtful. Now we have an opportunity to support a true Progressive in 2020 and not 8 years of my increasingly shorter life that I will never get back.

I laughed at the “accidentally” part because I’ve been watching videos from the 80s and 90s about him rejecting the idea that he’d ever run, but if he did, he would know how to at least reach out to the anger in the country. To know the issues that every day Joe faces? Nah. But you’re right; he stumbled into the

Yes, I do. And I think while they had a draft prepared for this outcome, that she wrote a lot of it herself last night. I wish with all my heart that she would have been more genuine this election because she would have won. I wouldn’t have liked it, but the Democratic Party was going to change in 2020 regardless.

That’s a pathetic excuse and you know it. He has caucused with the Democrats forever. It isn’t about being “edgy”; go look at the polls (Millenials/Gen Y) before the Trump nomination and then in October. The differences aren’t that different, and they are pretty evenly split among FOUR parties. This should tell

You’ll just say “BENGHAZI LOL NOT HER FAULT” and thats the problem. Or, you’ll say “BUT TRUMP” which is worse because if you are running on temperament and experience of 30 years, your bar for ethics shouldn’t be at “Trump” LOL. But back to Benghazi: The situation was not her fault, and the hearings circus she had


No one fucked you lol. You played yourselves. The idea that 100% of Gary “Aleppo” Johnson’s votes would have instead gone to Hillary is the most laughable and sad thing I have seen this whole election.

I’m going to stop at your top paragraph because not only can I guess the rest of your comment, but the top is where the key is.

I said in June, win or lose, she was the death of the Democratic Party as we know it. Look at how Millenials/Gen Y vote. Its not her future. This is good.

She should have thumped him. You can’t just pin this on “all white people are sexist” or “all white people are racist” because it just isn’t true. It will be proven untrue when we elect our first female President after voting two terms overwhelmingly for Obama.

This is so, SO important. I have been warning Democrats (as an Independent) for MONTHS that this narrative was DANGEROUS. You cannot excuse your own lies and corruption by saying “But he’s corrupt too! He lies too!” It turns Independents off. We want a President, not a child.

I want you to genuinely hear me out, and take this with you to 2020 because it is why she lost.

So what happened if 60% of those votes went to Trump instead? Your whole argument falls apart. Libertarians save for Mark Cuban (who has an interest in voting for big bank Hillary) did NOT want to support her.

There is a major positive coming out of a President-Elect Trump, and hear me out please. For months, and especially in the Primaries, the argument that I heard again and again against Hillary’s lies, money grabbing, and corruption was “B-BUT TRUMP!”. Now that she has lost, to Trump (badly) I hope we can put this meme