
I get: "Better Gmail 2" will not be installed because it does not provide secure updates

Now how about a Launchy plugin to open a new conversation from your contact list?

@Kent84: Opening it with text edit will work, but if there's any formatting it will look terrible. I highly recommend NeoOffice. It's just OO for osx.

Sorry, a little off topic since it's Excel, but what about vba macros that have been attached to an Excel document? I can't get them to work at all in OO. I'd love to be able to switch to OO at work, but we rely heavily on tons of previously created macros.

If I was going to buy a Tivo what model would you guys suggest on the cheap? Where's the best place to get one?

Hmmm... I Like this, but I don't see a way to make it work with a bulky car key. Any ideas?

Ok, now how do I connect XBMC to it so I can watch them on my TV?

That's great for all of you using Google Docs/Open Office, but that wasn't really the question was it?

Hopefully it doesn't have a separate sub, that pretty much defeats the purpose of a soundbar.

I like Excel 2007. However, being one of only a couple of people in my office who doesn't use 2003, the compatibility issues are frustrating. Even when saving as "2003" the formatting almost always gets screwed up.

How about removing minor scratches? There's a tiny scratch on my new iMac screen, but it's drving me crazy. It's the only thing I can look at when I'm on the computer.

Does anyone know of a plugin or program that can determine if an album is incomplete? Kind of like the itunes store "Complete My Album" feature, but for music from other sources. My hard drive failed and I was able to salvage most of my music, but there are just a bunch of random missing tracks. I'd really appreciate

A beta Microsoft product? They can't even get they're full releases right. This could do more damage to your system than any virus could ever hope to accomplish.

Damn! Why can't I find Heroes episodes from the beginning of Season 2? I need to catch up!

I've heard that there can be benefits to using a swap partition with osx. Can anyone comment on that? Is it worth it? It seems like an easy way to screw up the entire system if not done correctly.

This fits perfectly into my master plan of convincing my girlfriend that she in fact wants a Wii for Christmas.

@agroom: It's in Apps/Utilities, but if you're serious you probably shouldn't be attempting this.

Damn. I was hoping to see Chipotle on that list. I've heard they have 1200+ calories with half of those coming from the tortilla alone. I really hope it's not true, because I eat there pretty much every other meal.