
Also, I've been playing around with both Parallels and Fusion, using XP MCE and Vista Ultimate. I just can't get my Xbox 360 to see them. Has anyone had better luck with any combination of these? That could be the deciding factor for which one I purchase.

Here's a pretty good review:

But why? What is the advantage of Fusion if you already have Parallels?

@TheZeitgeist: Really? I've had much better luck using Foxit without PDF Download. I still can't get Foxit to open within Firefox though. I've tried that with and without this extension. The Foxit plugin just plain doesn't work.

Damn, I'm kind of screwed on getting a set up like this on my new iMac huh? I have Connect360, but it doesn't have nearly as many features as this. I'm assuming that it wouldn't even be possible to install a "Capture Card", right?

Remove Adblock!? That's out of the question.

What if you want to turn off the "tap select" on the track pad. I'm a linux noob, but that drives me crazy anytime I boot the Macbook into Ubuntu. It's way to sensitive.

Ok that didn't work. Maybe I'll use my part of the bonus to buy a book on how to use these world wide webernets. Lets try that again:

You guys convinced me to sign up for ING, but I had trouble finding a link to get the $25 bonus. So, if it's ok with Lifehacker, here are a couple to make it easy on you:

Just when I thought Lifehacker couldn't be anymore useful then it already is. This is exactly what I needed to not kill the birthday present my girlfriend got me a couple of months ago.

Does anyone know if it's possible to use a license plate number to find the address that the car is registered to?


Does anyone know of a similar function in Lotus Notes? That would be super.

Paying for wifi seems crazy. It's not hard to find a local coffee shop with free access. At worst you'll have to throw down a dollar or two for a cup of caffeinated goodness.

Hmmm. I could sear I've used my remote with Powerpoint... I seem to recall it working, just not with all of the features that it had in Keynote.

This is a great idea. It's something that should be in OSX already. I can't see myself paying $8 for it, but I'll definitely give it a trial run.

I installed Vista on my MB last week. Those Mac commercials really weren't too far off.

Is there anything like this for OSX? I thought I'd seen something to make them look a little more Aqua...Anyone?

OptoGeek, as the original post says, using the alternative isn't always an option.

Slim Battery Monitor should be on this list as well. It's easy to forget how nice it is to have, but it's so much better than Apple's own app.