Ion Chef

They are worried The AVClub will relegate them to Disney- .

I did hear rumours though that it was Rose who actually foiled  Claus von Stauffenberg’s plot to kill Hitler just so she could give old Adolf a smooch.

What is this? A School for Coruscants?

I saw all the new movies but the last two I haven’t watched a second time. I will at some stage, but considering the amount of times I watched the original trilogy it’s a damning indictment.

I actually quite like the Podrace.

A Really similar experience to what I had with the sequels. After TFA I looked at my mate and he looked pretty happy, I was not. After TLJ I looked at my mate and he looked pretty happy, I was not. A week later he accusingly (and angrily said “You’ve had nothing good to say about these movies”.

I love Last Man Standing. Walter Hill, Bruce Willis, great supporting cast and nice Ry Cooder soundtrack. 

I’ll sign a petition for ‘Denis Villeneuve’s Star Wars’.

He used his comedy chops to write ‘Nooooooooooooooo’.

While running a movie trivia night recently I was bailed up by a ‘film student’ who asked if I would run a Shrek trivia night. They then proceeded to tell me how Shrek 2 was the perfect movie. I still don’t understand the argument.

My enjoyment of the three trilogies if directly correlated to my age. I Saw the first three from age 6, absolutely loved them. Second three from age 28, yeah they were okay, a bit kiddy, but it’s Star Wars so I still like it. Last three from age 44, what is this crap, I don’t care if it is Star Wars, they are rubbish.

It’s an increasingly common occurrence, now, where reviews are pretty much recaps or even a scene by scene breakdowns. The revolution happened at the same time that movie trailers became summaries of the movie rather than a teaser.

Too late for Jack Dawson though.

Three shows I wanted to see more of...

It is always interesting how much more effort is put into Charles’ philandering compared to the amount that focuses on Princes William and Harry not having the same father.

No. 10871505

Further confirmation that Liam Neeson really does have a very particular set of skills; skills he has acquired over a very long career.

Hey, someone had to play the Sand Worm and Kevin Spacey wasn’t available.

More predictable than his film never being made?