
I used to be a manager at Target, and occasionally during the holiday rush would jump in and build bikes, just because I’m mechanically inclined and it was a nice break from the craziness on the sales floor.

They did it, those crazy bastards actually did it....

By the time they ever get around to actually selling them, Rivian, GM, Ram and Ford will already have theirs out.

Millions.... they will sell millions of them? from a company that sold under a million cars as an entire fleet of actually good looking cars. You think this fugly monstrosity is going to outsell everything else in the entire tesla fleet? your drunk bud. they will be lucky to sell a single one after the initial orders

The Cybertruck is fucking stupid. Elon’s childish hubris will turn a pickup truck that should be a massive sales hit into a flop. Besides Tesla nerds, there is no market for a dumb toy like this. Silverado, F150, Rivian, Hummer, are going to run away with all the new electric truck customers while Elon sits

It still looks like the trucks I was drawing when I was five.

I love how there is a Cybertruck owners club for something that hasn’t even come out.

They’re too busy taking those chips to put into $120K Escalades to care.

I’m pretty sure that was David Tracy’s AIM screenname back in the day.

Frankly, I am surprised that the number of people who claim to have taken their Duster off-road is that high. I think that there is some exaggeration going on amongst the owners.

I once used the plasma pistol and accidentally hit a fully charged shot (I’ve got terrible aim, so it was really surprising). It didn’t even break shield. Worthless garbage weapon.

See also: water = wet.

Maybe a way can be found to save the front end (with that beautiful Art-Deco tower) and just demo the ugly parts behind it.

Oh please. Most of Detroit is just residential housing that has never been anything else.

The City of Troy might even chip in a substantial amount.

Brought to you by Changli”

Never been to Detroit, so I don’t know how the neighborhood feels about this building, but I don’t see a reason to save much of it. Just look at this aerial:

MOMR - Museum of Modern Rust

Apparently one of the problems with this one was its post-Chrysler owner, according to the linked Architectural Afterlife article. (

I think we should all chip in and buy this property for David Tracy to store his Jeep collection and start a museum.