This is the worst part of car culture. “I didn’t want it, but I thought other people would pay lots of money for it, so I just shoved in a closet for 10 years!”
This is the worst part of car culture. “I didn’t want it, but I thought other people would pay lots of money for it, so I just shoved in a closet for 10 years!”
According to Project Stream beta testers (on reddit), they used about 1.11tb for around 60 hours of 1080p gameplay. That’s around 18gb of data per hour.
Xfinity caps me at 1024gb a month. I won’t be using Stadia any time soon...
I know as Jalops we often give passes to less-than-good cars because they are unique or quirky. We can live with some odd faults if the car is otherwise basically good.
I don’t think many readers would have ever gotten the chance to actually ride in or drive a Subaru Justy but I have and they are the biggest pieces of crap that Subaru have ever put out, you literally feel like you will die at 5mph. There is no price at which crack pipe should not be the only option for this car. They…
Complicated German cup holders are part of German’s disdain for drinking and eating in cars. Though they don’t mind smoking in cars, they usually have great cigarette bins.
complicated pop out cup holders that look cool and are fun to play with - all.
“I’m now outraged and hurt because I feel that my son, my only child, was denied access to a college not because he failed to work and study hard enough but because wealthy individuals felt that it was ok to lie, cheat, steal and bribe their children’s way into a good college.”
The modern equivalent to these are the GTI, WRX, Civic Si, etc. They don’t get their own bodies anymore due to development costs. But in spirit, they fill that cheapish, quickish, everyday driver niche.
But it wasn’t as muscly as something like a Camaro, nor was it as daring as something like a Toyota Celica Supra or a 300ZX. The Laser didn’t really make sense.
This was my first car! A black ‘84 with red pinstripes. I have posted a few things about it here, all ignored, maybe because few can relate to owning one. I loved it at the time, it was very cool looking and “hi-tech”, and quicker than most cars on the road at the time. Got totaled by a kid in a Honda Accord cutting…
Seriously? it’s not like the game itself did the coke.
Quick let's erase all trace of this naughty person from history. That's the best action to take!
Holy crap, Tesla is just running a 19th century plutocratic industrialist’s dream wrapped up inside a 21st-century facade. It’s all very clear to me now.
They have wings, let them fly away
Yes. Perspectives that are shared amongst a wide group of people are called mores, which is what I am describing here.
A friend of mine works in a SoCal dealership in sales. He posted something on Instagram about how Tesla had an announcement in a couple days. I’m pretty sure he thought it was some big new thing being announced. It was one of those vague pictures with just a date/time in the description.
I’ve been walking more lately, and I’m amazed how many drivers apparently don’t look right when turning right on a red light. Or they look right and then left, and then don’t look right again when they get their opening. I’ve had three cars lurch at me as I was crossing the street from their right to left. They…
Another huge factor is the lack of sidewalks in a lot of major cities. I was shocked to see almost no sidewalks in Indianapolis. So we had people in dark clothing walking on the side of the road. You could barely see them until you were about to hit them in most cases.
C/R really needs to split this category into functional reliability and convenience reliability. There is a huge different between your car not starting in the morning and your infotainment interface crashing and requiring you to turn the car off and back on again to fix.