
Anyone notice he got a 200 ft headstart?

Can we agree that the topheavy margarita glass\martini glass is an awful design? I feel like they designed it knowing that there would be a good chance that the drinker would knock it over, thus needing to buy more booze.

“Render unto Little Caesar’s the things that are Little Caesar’s, and incremental portions of everyone else’s until full amortization.”

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

Jesus Christ, this take is hotter than anything you’ll see on Deadspin all week.

Jim Caldwell, thinking his team was just screwed out of 37 yards:

Somewhere Bill Belichick just became urgently aroused, and he doesn’t know why.

I personally hate these kill reward based systems. It’s basically the developer saying “Hey, you are better then the other players. Let’s make it even easier for you.”

“Wot’s wrong wif bein’ sexy?”

Hey, I preordered the orange box. it wasn’t a free game for me.

The best part about people ragging on Detroit is that invariably, they who talk shit about our city are usually from somewhere far worse. We haven’t rioted over sports in 30 years, unlike NYC, LA, or Boston. We don’t have secret prisons like Chicago. We treat Arabic people with respect, unlike everywhere else. Detroit

I guess I have a higher standard for humor than most people, then. It’s sad that we don’t even require coherence for things to be funny anymore.

Shitty writing that is.

It’s about a sci-fi Detroit where androids don’t have human rights, a description that also applies to real Detroit.

I personally think this stuff is bullshit. If you put a tattoo on someone it is now a part of their likeness. The fact that someone else still has some degree of control over that is ridiculous. game sports tattoo litigation.