
My stepdad at the time in 1983 or so had one or borrowed one or something. It barely worked. There were a couple good games, including one where you had a dogfight between a tie fighter-like ship and an x-wing-like ship. It was better in my memories than seeing videos of it now.

Had an Odyessy2. Of course, parents thought it would be more educational than a 2600. KC Munchkin was pretty good, and you could make your own mazes..

If it works well, this thing is awesome. Looking forward to your hands-on experiences once you get it.

I have a 1st gen Chevy Cruze (laugh it up, fuzzball) and like it. Before they were discontinued, I was seeing some good incentives on a new one and would hand mine down to my kid. I couldn’t get a straight answer on what incentives I would qualify for when trying to “shop” online without visiting a dealership, so I

Little chocolate dounts

Ollie’s often has weird, “closeout” cereals at reasonable prices. We got frosted flakes / Lucky Charms and some other General Mills mashup. Both were decent.

What happened to Quality is Job #1. With Explorer issues and the Focus transmission debacle, among other issues, it seems a bit down the list.

I don’t know what is more internet trendy to complain about: How ugly the Aztek is / was OR How SNL is not funny anymore.

That is accurate. We Gen Xers of the day weren’t buying this, but our parents and grandparents. They were the convertibles you would actually see people out and driving all of the time.

I like it. I really do. This was the every-man’s convertible back in the day. They were everywhere and now they are pretty much nowhere. (Yes, it’s a K derivative and they are almost all gone. Chortle chortle.). Besides the slightly overdone effects, I don’t understand the hate on this car. It is nice looking, in

Had drift on the “L” controller. It was not heavily used, especially compared to other controllers in the household.

The bigger question is why teams are paying borderline starting players like Morris and Bullock 10 mil a year.

I had a Saturn and was still buying / playing Saturn games near the end of its lifespan. I was excited for Panzer Dragoon Saga but was never able to find it. I never understood why a disc based game that only cost a couple of bucks to package and make a CD came out it such limited numbers. Never found it in stores and

All of these “midsize” trucks are $5000 - $10000 too much. Step 1: Kill Sedans, Step 2: ???, Step 3: Profit.

I had an ‘84 Daytona Turbo (no Z) that I got in ‘92. For ‘84, 140 HP was pretty good. It was actually faster than all but the top versions of the Camaro / Mustang of the era (base versions of those cars were admittedly dogs at that time). In my one and only street race, I smoked a Honda Prelude. :) I thought it looked

Save the World should be closer to Fortnitemares. I’m in the early stages, but STW runs worse and has less interesting enemies overall.

Slightly disappointed about this, but I would not buy a car made in China anyway. I’ve bought “American” cars built in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, but China is a bridge too far. This is also a reason I would not consider the Buick Envision. That and the Envision seems to be priced about 1/3rd too high for what it

Who wants a Thailand-made Harley? Isn’t the American made aspect of the operation one of the main selling points of the bike? Will this mean that all Harleys be made outside of the U.S.? Not a likely motorcycle buyer, but if they aren’t going to be made in the U.S. what is the point?

Nice! This may require some explanation though. There was a bad 1969 movie called “The Sidehackers” or “Five the Hard Way”. It was revived in a great episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 in 1990. I think it is one of the best episodes. So, sidehacking is not unknown to those who like to watch robots and a dude

I don’t care if it is a wagon or not (it totally is), but if I had 30k to drop on a car, this would be on the short list. One of my favorites I saw at the Detroit Auto Show this weekend.