Pay a small premium more for better food. Check Yelp. ffs.
It's everyone searching for
Flash ≠ Video
This does affect other phones? Or was Steve just lying?
@Wuakeen: Here you go:
@Avrus: I've also done lots of foil, sabre, and familiar with kendo, and yes:
Stumptown represent!
@OtKyle: Wut size aperture iz zat?
;) to all those who have a sense of humor, Happy New Year.
My point-and-shoot is a Hasselblad.
Or pop the cork.
Anyone know anything about the Silo? Our 32" 1080i Vizio from 2008 has button issues but still works (slow response, no worky, cable needs to be turned on/off to work, etc.) in general.
Violence is not the solution, even though the kid deserved a smack.
@flacster: convenience/speed
Hey, I'm in tech support for CD-ROM drives. I just got a call from India about some rocket thing?
Uh, if I get evicted I'm not packing my tailored shirts and dress pants.
My hero!!!