iomatic, I still love you

@FritzLaurel: I applaud your Quixotic quest to come to the defense of helpless Comic Sans users.

He must get dwnp by turbo'd EK all day.

a) those do not look like proper HANS devices. For shame!

The genetic tastelessness is obvious.

@tehShirt: Yeah, you guys don't need to break the bank with this game.

@Sl8ter13: Ok, I think you need therapy.


Right. Clearly, as much as you.

@Sl8ter13: You want attention, you got it.

In other Hudson news, sightings of a mysterious brown truck was seen driving in the area. The only visible markings seemed to be the word, "ups" or a variation thereof, possibly signifying an "upward" or alien invasion.


I'd promise to evenly distribute the loss.

The prime lens is a brilliant idea. Back to basics!

I'd send a note to Rosa, but I think she's passed out.

@Damagination: I'm looking for a claim where Gizmodo claims professional journalism.