Just niggas dropping dead of the kung flu.
Just niggas dropping dead of the kung flu.
Amy is a racist white woman. White women voted for Trump!
Great idea. Ethics is for losers.
Yo daddy spend half your childhood locked up? He probably got buttfucked by lot of Black Panty Niggas. I bet the Nation of Islam niggas choked him out like that fool Malcolm. Nigga on nigga violence is a terrible thing.
lol. You’re a grade A, grass-fed dumbfuck arent you. I’m following you so I can get a constant stream of laughs.
Fuck off bitch. No woketard gives a fuck about Hindus. You fucking hate ‘em just like you hate the Jews. Islamists are the only religious group you shitstains bend over for.
lol. You morons actually think you’re going to win. Bitch this court is going to decide the election results. Low IQ niggas are so slow.
Nothing you post from your basement will change the fact that Trump will be re-elected, and this court will destroy every law you dumbfucks hold dear for decades to come. That’s what winning looks like, bitch.
Da Rock admitted to voting Republican? Given his age that could only mean George W Bush. Looks like Da Rock is da racist piece of shit who caused all of these problems.
Shut up, nigger. You’re a dumbfuck rich nigga who works for a big bank. You’d be a Republican if they didnt hate niggas. You stupid niggas wont vote for Bernie despite marching with MLK but you’ll lick segregation Joe’s balls and let him bus Kamala to the White House.
But you cunts care so much. Donnie lives in your head rent free and you so badly want to destroy him but you’re too fucking stupid to figure out how.
That’s hilarious but you’re right. No one cares about this since Creepy Joe is a known finger blaster.
Gross. Can we get someone without periods? That was the one thing I like about RBG.
Its almost like she goes by the laws on the books and you dumbfucks are too stupid to get anything enacted so its all good.
“...the decisive vote in the 2020 re-election of Trump”....
You mean the one you stole from a guy who rapped about raping big booty hoes?
RBG was an old white woman who was totally unqualified. Where my strong black justices at?
You racist niggas need to figure outta a way to get inspired by someone for reasons other than the color of their skin.
Great choice. We can all celebrate a candidate picked on merit and not fill some low IQ nigga quota. Clarence Thomas has that on lock.
Woah, what’s your problem faggot? The good doctor is just doing his job. Dont make me regret going easy on you.