
Monsanto and other commercial farmers will be the ones who decide whether CCD denial will happen or not.

The Epitaph of humanity will be

"The bees aren't dying! There's just resting! They're special South American blues! BENGHAZI!"

There needs to be a night tour of this ASAP.

Holy shit, Rob Bricken complaining that the batsuit looks black in a greyscale photo. Fuck this movie, right?!? Just another day on io9!

How... Burton-esque.

To everyone who is arriving to post "Wow, not as bad as I thought," I just want to say, "DUH!" It was never going to be as bad as your nerd nightmares made it out to be, and yes, we laugh at you for getting so hysterical about it. The shame you feel is appropriate.

You are correct. He wanted Han to die at the end of Jedi. Chances of him being killed off in the new trilogy if officially at 97%.

Probably in addition to having Han die in the movie. Wasn't that what he wanted originally in one of the OT movies?

Hamill and Fisher's roles are not "co-leads" the way that Ford is, but they do have "significant" roles.

Option D: None of them. It's a galaxy of adventure folks, let them come up with their own stuff.

Did everyone just skip this article to come to the comments and make the exact same mistakes NDT makes? Because it's like a chorus of people missing the point in here.

Even with it's flaws, which were not insignificant, I still really enjoyed watching this movie.

Two words I always look for in superhero movie! *SARCASM*

Close...*ahem* Dat Gap, Tho...

*ahem* (let me see if I do this right) DAT GAP

You must have a terrible memory:

half a billion dollars, and still, nobody is held accountable, no change in strategy is being made. Looking good Nintendo, looking good...