
I’ve heard it’s impossible to raise demons outside of the basement (too far from hell is what most scientists say). I’ve been raising demons pretty successfully in the 3rd floor of my house for years, they seem to do pretty well there. Just my 2 cents.

Boy does that change make it sound like explosive diarrhea...

Capitalism, ho!

I am down to make some bomb ass-chocolate. 

Hello! Aquaculture focused veterinarian here. Tilapia can actually be adapted for salt water, they can even breed in it. I’ve seen it done in a Caribbean fish farm.

A better controller makes a BIG difference. Enemies are also not total bullet sponges when not countered anymore. I went into Dread with a lot of trepidation, as I wasn’t 100% thrilled with Samus Returns, but they fixed literally everything. Dread is now my second favorite in the series, behind Zero Mission.

Gotta love how physical copies are outdated before they even get to customer’s hands. At least there is a workaround in this case.

It’s so much more complicated than that.

I dunno, I think Mario looks pretty good

Was that actually a thing?

As opposed to a benevolent third party?

“These figures are missing a lot of information”

Alot of movies and companies hide easter eggs in their films. Sometimes if you call a number in them you will get a recording that has to do with the film.

One hopes. Very “Rosemary’s Baby”.

Out of over 7000 reviews, the game has only some 1600 (or roughly 8%) positive votes as of this writing.”
10% of 7000 is 700, so it’s more than 20% positive reviews. I know you said “roughly” but cmon, how rough are we talking here?

...except this is what Nintendo does.

Beyond that, the article talks about how pretty the game is and includes just a single screenshot and a piece of key art that looks like every other JRPG key art.

Talks about how beautiful the game is. Shows only one screen shot...

Maybe I’m just blind, but I see no mention of the platform/s the game is on?

You’ve pretty much described every “create something awesome for us!” contest for any video game (or really any piece of entertainment content) ever.