
Racism is no excuse for wearing a button down short sleeved shirt.

What’s odd is that the actual history of the event is recorded by a progressive, Charles A Beard. The Civil War as we know it today is little more than propaganda. It’s not taught correctly/accurately.

No question about this. But they aren’t the good ones.

Agree to disagree on the core of our discussion. But I think I can convince you that Trump would give reparations to actual descendants of slaves.

I can’t educate all of you on everything you don’t know.

Reparations for descendants of slavery is common sense.

The war began in the national government as the North attempted to benefit their economy at the expense of the South. This spiraled into war. Obviously the south wanted to keep their free labor. The war was not fought over free labor. The war began as a political struggle in national government over two regional

Wrong. It was fought over control of the national government for the benefit of one regional economy versus the other. The easiest way to completely destroy the southern economy, which was a goal of the north, was to take away their free labor. Slavery obviously played a part, but it wasn’t the cause.

More about the economics of slavery than any sort of moral issue. In fact, there was no moral issue. That was inserted into the history. The Civil War was about economics and slavery existed as part of one side’s economy so of course it played a part, but a very different part than what people believe.

Age: 12

Did you think that was clever?

Another NFL article... back to ESPN I go

Why are you not blacked on Jezebel?

Can’t tell if you’re seriously asking or fishing for this exact reply.

The Civil War was a war of Northern Aggression. It also had nothing to do with slavery as the North had no moral concern about the practice. All concerns were economical. Just look up Lincoln’s quotes... he was a segregationist with a plan to send slaves and their descendants back to Africa. The Civil War had almost

What’s with all these TLRD replies?

Omar is from the Midwest of Somalia.

Detroit wants money. Shocker.

My comments almost never get sent to the bottom [it’s a manual override]. This one must have touched a nerve.

Do you force-feed babies mercury-laced fish? This is your argument.