
The thing is, though, it's not just what she's saying that's coming off racist, her justifications and total lack of awareness show she's being racist.

Of course, we should all also be busy yelling at the OP for being racist —I'm only surprised that so many actually joined in (with such brazeness!) before heartbreakingworkofDaggeringGenius called them out!— because as sizor_sister so aptly said:

Oh, no I know the first post was worded really flippantly and get why it pissed some people off. I can't edit it after five minutes, though, so my only option is to continue the discussion and flesh out my ideas while people continually respond to the first post to let me know I'm racist.

They aren't blanket statements! They are about specific Indian guys! Only one poster said something ridiculous about all Indians not being educated and liking incest..everyone else is just sharing a common experience!

This is not racist. For people to share their experiences isnt racist. And cultures are different. In the UK there is a serious problem of taxi drivers from India and Pakistan attacking white girls. The guys come from villages where the women absolutely live under tarpaulins and if they step outside alone, are risking

It does us no good to cry 'racism!' and cut off discussion about how misogyny and one's cultural heritage might intersect.

They aren't my comments. They were comments from a man explaining why he used to do it. You can take it up with him and explain he's totally wrong about why he used to treat western women like cum dumpsters?

What you have on your profile doesn't matter to these types.

I hate that too! I get so many white guys who answer 'yes' to 'would you strongly prefer to date someone within your own race?' And 'would you prefer your children be the same race as you?' Do they think I won't I notice? I also had a guy who answered 'never' to drugs (and said he'd never date anyone who does drugs)

Lars Vilks, Eleena Banik, and Manish Harijan are three that come to mind from recent history.

My 'favorite' online daters used to be the ones who'd message me despite me being outside of their preferences. I hate it how a lot of guys narrowed down what weight they wanted their dates to be and it was always something like max 120lbs. I was a bit on the heavier side when I tried out online dating (still am

More than Jennifer Hepler (who had the audacity to write for Dragon Age 2) or Phil Fish (who said mean things to people on the internet, the fiend)?

It's a larger problem than just gaming, unfortunately. Society in general seems to be losing its ability to treat people with any sort of courtesy or respect. This is most obvious on the internet, but you see it in real life too (most notably in politics, where some people seem completely unable to merely disagree

I just play games and I am sick of the haters and trolls. The worst is that these trolls genuinely believe they are entitled and justified in their behavior. They think they get to sling mud if they aren't entertained. Or make personal attacks if they are disappointed. It's like they never learned how to communicate

Person writes heartfelt blog article about how much they dislike internet hate.

Nope, you don't have the definitive edition. Just because you say it, doesn't make it so. And you don't need to be told what you're pc is capable of, do you? You pc gamer you.

That piece of shit machine looks as good as the game on Max settings. You PC loser are just jealous because you spend a $1000 while i get the same graphics for $400. I got you nailed down because of your hate. Your a jealous loser who has to compensate because you spent way too much money. LOLOOLLOLLLOLL Loser, you PC

Wow look at the hate. Yeah I played it on the PC, but he did say there is stuff even the PC version didn't have. Like the extra particle effects and so on. Granted it isn't enough to warrant a 60 dollar purchase, but these machines aren't pieces of crap. Tress FXHair or whatever it is called is an AMD technology and

Soooo, you're trying to say PC Master Race FTW?