
"They're in the middle of a hoax, they're perpetrating a hoax, but they're relying on their total dominance of the media to lie to you each and every day about climate change and global warming."

Netrunner is a good game, I admit, but let's not forget about the most complicated, ridiculous, rage inducing game that Fantasy Flight has ever created. (Which is seriously saying something.)

oh, I wasn't saying any of that. I was just reading a lot of comments (including a few of yours) that seemed to be confused about what the song's intentions were. I dislike R. Kelly and I am curious what Gaga's reasoning on this is just as much as everyone else lol.

it's a metaphor... the media is a sexually aggressive dude that doesn't care about the artist, their heart, or their mind. the artist, in need of the fame, relents and allows the media to sexualize and demean her. it's a metaphor.

"You can't have have my heart and you don't want my mind, but do what you want with my

As I said in my other post, I am not saying that the ME wheel is the end all, be all, conversation option. I am honestly excited to see where we step after that, but my point is that we have stepped beyond the dialog tree. The gaming culture of the big, core developers, has moved past it.

Also, just because

I am not saying that everyone should be using the ME wheel specifically; not sure where that quote is from, as I didn't say it, but what I'm saying is that gaming is evolving past the deep-tree RPG dialog system. There may be a better way to do it than the ME wheel, and I can't wait to see what Bethesda comes up with.

I will counter your question with another: How long can a franchise stand if it refuses to grow and evolve? Perhaps this will be a bad move, but I cannot fault Bethesda from looking around at their competitors and realizing that they may be missing the bus on the next step for RPGs.

The massive, massive appeal of the

Bethesda's actually done this really cool thing before where they had like 7 different actors, both male and female, do the voice acting for the protagonist. You could then pick from a list, to match the voice to you.


2005. E3. When the PS3 was first unveiled over eight years ago, back when it promised to include 117 USB ports, 37 SD card reader slots and an electric cup holder, Sony also showed off a new PlayStation controller. Consisting of a radical boomerang shape, it was a massive departure from the company's iconic pad

"When the PS3 was first unveiled over eight years ago, back when it promised to include 117 USB ports, 37 SD card reader slots and an electric cup holder"

This is exactly why I laugh at everyone who is excited about the PS4 like it's the second coming of Christ.

Yeah, this is one of many reasons that I'm not buying this. They have this whole season to get through, than another. I don't trust Ryan Murphy for a second; he always goes back on his word.

ngl at first this sounded like an onion article.

You know what I love about them High School Boys? I get older, but they stay the saaaaame aaaage.

LOL I didn't think you did honestly, I'm just here to dispel the myth that accounting is a boring profession completed by robots.

I'd be more worried about the Red Woman.

I work for a company that provides Music (among many other things) to businesses, as an accountant. We are often paid to hang out at bars close to the office and drink. We hold our own sxsw parties. Accounting can be fun too! (that being said, the stuffy guys always quit. It's a group of fairly young recent college

Meanwhile, as a transman, I was raised to be an incredibly violent woman. My mother was always violent with me and my sister, and spent the majority of my childhood telling me that it was completely okay for me to hit people. I was raised to think that because I was female, it was okay if I was violent, because I

Didn't respond to you at all...