That wasn't really directed at you, it was more my accumulated rage at reading the comments here. :( Sorry!
That wasn't really directed at you, it was more my accumulated rage at reading the comments here. :( Sorry!
Great. I just hope they don't force her back with Santana. I know a lot of people love that ship but I just can't get on the boat. :\
Lauraaaaa you didn't capitalize the P in pink! :O
She's definitely on the list, though Dianna Agron will always be my bb.
Nope. Santana and Brittany broke up because Santana realized that it was the grown up thing to do, with them separated by distance. Then Heather Morris left the show because she got pregnant.
She's beautiful and really talented. Honestly, ALL of these women are. I get it if you don't like pop music, but gawd that doesn't make them untalented just because they're not making what YOU want...
Well shit, looks like Jez fell for a really good troll.
TOTALLY satire. I still can't understand why anyone thinks otherwise.
Women have always had to be better than the boys in order to receive any respect. This dynamic has already been played out in the work place. It's disgusting.
We use the word "History" loosely here.
The whole Maria Bamford show is on her website!
What have you been reading; the gospel according to St. Bastard?!
God I love Melissa Harris-Perry so so much.
I guess I just don't feel like that experience can really be understood by anyone who wasn't involved in it in the moment. We were a folie a deux of sorts.
The Magic School Bus, and it's totally on Netflix now.
You know, I don't ever volunteer this information, (as telling a girl that you have an EX GIRLFRIEND WITH A SERIOUS MENTAL DISORDER THAT HELD YOU AT KNIFE-POINT is like the last thing you should ever, EVER do if you want to date that girl at any point in time) but my friends do all the time. Incredibly frustrating…
Wait... we're not?