
Finally, somebody in these comments said it.

He actually is on right before Rachel now, (which I suppose as you haven't watched him in awhile you wouldn't have known) and yes he's rather good about it. I usually watch Rachel and... only Rachel, but to be honest I've never really paid attention to her guests. I usually skip those. Melissa Harris-Perry is her

And that was not Obsidian's fault, as I'm sure you're aware. LucasArts demanded that they give over the game for publishing before they were finished; don't blame one of the best RPG developers out there for the sins of the now defunct LucasArts... LA was always screwing shit up.

No way. Tidus spends the ENTIRE game complaining and whining about various things. Maybe if I had to actually listen to Cloud whine, I'd care more, but having to LISTEN to Tidus complain all the time.. ugh.

Even Squall was all "...." and "Life is pointless."

The only FF main character that HASN'T been a total whine fest

Not really sure why you decided to go with the rudest approach possible to this conversation, but ignoring that, that doesn't make it:

You won't be using the button because of Kinect; you'll use voice commands to turn the Xbox on and off. I'm not even sure it's a pushable button... it looks like it may just be decoration to me.

If only I could bump this to the top of this thread RIGHT now.

Pfft, Tidus is the King Whiner of FF and absolutely no one else will ever surpass how annoying he was.

Austin's Kirk Watson is probably going to just win in a landslide in his next elections. His efforts were sassy and fantastic, and I don't think Austinites could be more proud of him.

No no no. Keep making fun of the south. Just leave Texas out of it.

We didn't create George W. Bush and we never really wanted Rick Perry either; we've been the victims of mass gerrymandering and general fuckery for the last two decades. Democrats stopped paying attention in this state, and Karl Rove & Co. took it

God, how can you live in Austin and not know about the fucking bag ban. Everyone looks at you like you're a little troglodyte if you look bewildered. Up here in Williamson County, h/e, we're still rolling in the plastic. It feels good to be a Lannister.


LOL I'm also from San Angelo, and had this thought when I read the original comment! Brilliant. From east to west, from north to south, Texas ladies are awesome all around.

  • 1. Absolutely no one is talking about games right now. 0% of people give any fucks.


I'm not really sure why you're so confused; maybe I can break down his points for you in a way you can understand.

Yeah, Marti has gotten a lot of hate over the years because of that. When she briefly joined the Glee writers, all I could think was, "If you make this any worse, Marti, I swear by the Old Gods and the New..." but you know, she's a funny lady, and she's clearly realized her mistake over the years. Her twitter is

I once ate raw chicken while stoned. I thought it was cheese sticks. Girlfriend thought they were microwavable. They were not. Le sigh.

I think that the main question everyone should ask themselves before they judge a woman's dress/behavior/whatever is "Would I feel/think this way if that person was male?" If the answer is no, then you are a sexist. If the answer is yes, then you are a feminist but probably full of judgement. Still better than being

"Does that mean I want to be groped? No, of course not. I don't think it's right to do that to anyone without their consent, regardless of what they're wearing. That goes without saying."