
On top of being tragically hideous, it looks like a very early rough draft. Paint looks uneven in places, the glass looks like tint film stretched over the window-frames, and the bodywork looks too large for the chassis it’s sitting on. It’s like if you mounted an Aventador’s body on a Jetta’s suspension and wheels.

nope..pretty sure this is an honest if misguided attempt...

Inspired by this?

Spends millions making ugly sports car. Spends zero on making wheels flush. You could smuggle an entire stable of indentured servants in those wheel gaps.

But on the upside, it transforms into a Dinosaur, which is cool.

::opening page:: Oh, seriously, c’mon. How bad ::scrolling down:: can this be it’s probably just another oh LORD what on EARTH were they thinking.

It’s almost like they had every member of the team design just one small piece of the car, and the took all those parts and threw it together.

Me: “It cant be THAT bad. I have to see this. Lets just scroll down - OH DEAR CHRIST MY ARE MY EYES BLEEDING”

Well, best avoid the craft beer scene. Sour beers are quite the rage these days. Funk being one of the adjectives commonly used to describe them. Damn you brettanomyces!

Wait, this is a drawing, right?

Came here to say something snarky before realizing it might get me banished to the grey for all eternity.

I always say; let them make this ridiculous things. Better spend money on golden yachts and golden supercars than funding ISIS...

Why the hell did Gawker/Kinja remove picture annotation? This car is just begging for it!!!

Does Harbor Freight have these same people to make sure everything reeks of cheapness ?

I kinda love the roof line the snow created, they should go with something like that next time

Wow. I thought we reached terminal stupidity when I found out that some people actually think Donald Trump would make a good president, then I hear about people drinking this “Tennessee Tonic”.

Behold “baby boomers”, you believed millennials were the dumbest generation but little did you know a far dumber generation was yet to come...
