
Japanese guy gives Johnny Depp a 3DS

Maybe NATO needs to have a look into this. We could send the colubus monkeys some guns and shit!

And no one thought of this guy???!!!

My bad, was trying to cover up New Jersey and I got tired.

oh...I see what you did thar.

(me) Smiles with his bad british teeth :-)

Looks at teeth

I thought that was Bond Street.

"Similar plans for other territories will be announced soon" Lol, if you say so! you'll most likely charge us to be reactivated. Us Brits do love a good kick up the backside, when it comes from Sony.

He posted the info on face book....on his phone....a gadget!

I wanna grow up to be like this guy!

The Queen sees all!

three times!

A long time ago in a galaxy far away.....

No...youre not the only one :)

They work the same as magnets

RIP mighty mouse :(

Don't forget the cartoon!

Thank you :)