
Well I’ve been thinking of making Overwatch Lore videos, just afraid that youtube might be saturated. I agree, the ambiguous story telling lends itself well to a lot of speculation. We have a rough timeline, but there are so many gaps. Like is Mercy really responsible for Reaper’s condition? Or is Reyes just blaming

Nope. Its my head canon that Reinhardt is Pharah’s father. The two never married for...reasons. I imagine Rein would want it but Ana would refuse. While Ana is spiteful to the other founding members (76, Torbjorn, Reaper) she is genuinely sorrowful for deceiving Reinhardt.

What made Fatal Frame so scary was also the mechanics of it. You may think the camera thing is a bit funny, but it made for some of the greatest tension in the game. In Resident Evil and Silent Hill, you fight the monsters. In Amnesia and Outlast, you run from them. In Fatal Frame, you stand still and let them get

Just make sure you have a secondary damage type. Since you are doing ranged weapon that is probably physical. I tried doing a pure bleed on my first run. Enter the undead area where, surprise, SKELETONS DONT BLEED. FML

Eh, if you want to do pets, you have to go all the way. You can’t do any sort of damage because that will draw aggro away from your pets, meaning they have to chase the enemies chasing you. There aren’t really any “support” pets. The Raven has a heal but that is no replacement for a potion.

What kind of character are envisioning? Or, an easier question to answer, what kind of damage do you want to focus on?

She gets a highlight intro though

In some of the Overwatch documentaries, I heard that they had initially 40 heroes at launch spread over 6 categories. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the removed categories are Healer and Sniper. But eventually Support and Healer were rolled into one category. I’m gonna guess that they will be divided again

Remember that scene where she rejects the prince that courts her? She cuddles with a bird while the sultan was chastising her. Then she opens the cage and lets all the birds free.

Reinhardt tennis!

I didn’t mind the linearity since it had narrative purpose. But yeah, slow story, pronouns out the wazoo and boring characters made that game a chore to play.

Any chance you can write up something like this for “Soos and the Real Girl?” Apart from being spooky in its own...goofy way, the imagery reminiscent of Five Nights at Freddys and Yandere Simulator, as well as the message of using artificial means to replace real human connection could make for a fun read.

Now playing

Are you sure there aren’t any female robots in Overwatch?

You gotta love on how Team Instinct is going down fighting here in Oslo. They only have one gym controlled. The Royal Palace.

But she has a self heal. So she can stay on her perch forever. She cant be forced out of position unless you harass her. With Widowmaker and Hanzo, if you can deal enough damage to them, it will force them to reposition or at least take a second to grab a health pack.

The Devs flat out said that they arent giving a timeline to keep things more open ended. My head canon is that Winston is running simulators, gauging possibilities on who would join Overwatch and who would not, and what are the outcomes of those possibilities.

Lol. Overwatch characters aint exactly nuanced. Think of them as G.I. Joe the international version.

First 7 to 10 hours, yes. Afterwards it becomes less tropey and more nuanced.

Lol. EA wouldn’t touch a game like this with a ten foot pole. They would take one look at the design documents looking for the word “assault rifle” and when it cant be found, they’d chuck the document in the trash.