I think...
I think...
I would say more of Kaito Kid or Phantom Thief Kid. Especially with the 80s/90s aesthetic of the grainy filters and graffiti text.
You know, considering that the strays in my village engage in nightly turf wars I might be inclined to play this game.
This is supposed to be the last one so I'm sure we will get answers. Also, I'm sure that Scott has alot of surprises hidden in the game. Remember on how in the first game the presence of the 4th animatronic took alot of people by surprise?
I believe you will only enjoy if you enjoy Etrian Odyssey or the other Shin Megami Tensei series. Granted, there is a lot of fanfiction-arific dialogue and scenarios written, even if the characters have been reduced to a caricature of their personality (Akihiko=protein, Chie=meat, Mitsuru=execution, Ken=height issues,…
No mention of the Western puns in the show?
Some people use Fumblecore
Yes it does. Granted Phoenix Wright has always been a bit dark as a game. Brentalfloss said it best with "its a comedy of errors with the violence of Macbeth." Still, when this happens the characters are understandably horrified.
Maybe now we can have a Leomon that ACTUALLY SURVIVES FFS
No. You will miss out on a couple of references and as the others mentioned, some characters from 1 are carried over to 2. Some even resolve their character arcs, which they started, in 1 in 2. But 2 is kind of a gateway drug. You start on that and you want to go through all the others, no matter how archaic their…
When you realize that you aren't there to keep an eye on them and stop them from wandering outside, you are there to keep them in by serving as BAIT.
Extra Credits just had a good video on the cycle of tension and release. In horror games, the build up is just as important as the jump scares, something that modern horror games forget as the stray closer to the action genre
Work work
Okay that is a fair point. Though I believe the point of those two was to contrast the innocent looking nature of the characters with the disturbing stuff they are forced to do, Battle Royale style. Admittedly, some do it better than others. Mirai Nikki comes to mind. I think the point of this one was to drive the…
Understand that it is a Japanese aesthetic. Remember the big issue people had when Ike in Smash Bros looked too muscular? They said he looked like a gorilla. The Japanese don't like muscular heroes, since it implies that they rely on strength. They prefer their main characters to be lithe and agile, preferring…
They say you can find Tomoda as a background character in the last episode.
Welcome to the internet. I shall be your guide.
YES! And who would have thought that this fun little mini game had such a tragic background.
Some people have pointed out that FFXV seems to be taking elements from Hamlet. Noctis and Stella are lovers but are pit against each other by their fathers. They echo the tragedy of Hamlet and Ophelia. As such, it might not be such a stretch to assume that the 3 other guys are expys of Rosencrantz, Guildenstern and…
Maybe its because they are very unfamiliar with the place? I believe Paris was chosen as the next setting because most of the staff is French-Canadian. To grab the nuance of history that AC is known for would require huge amounts of research on their part.