
Timers in platform games (or variations on them like rising water or advancing wall of death) are just the worst. Unless it’s absolutely fundamental to the gameplay, like timed laps in a racing game, or a clever regenerable life scheme like in Waves, I despise being rushed. Ori and the Blind Forest’s shrines are some

I removed my star from your original comment after I got to this stultifying response. Do better.

Get fucked.

Spoilers for box art. I have been on Video Game Internet for about 15 years now and this is a first. Holy shit.

Nobody deserved to be treated like shit unless you’re currently employed by the White House.

disagree. I think the game is a masterpiece in which they made some very deliberately oblique design decisions to make a beat’em’up with an incredibly high skill ceiling.

He did confess to quitting.

So reviewers should review a game based on how stupid Nick Clinite is?

I would have completely ignored this game if it weren’t for all the negative press, particularly here on Kotaku. Once I started looking into it, I liked what I saw, and I pre-ordered a copy to show my support for Vanillaware. Wound up platinuming the game, and making it my GOTY. If the PS4 has a cool limited edition,

By far one of the best and most beautiful 2D games I have ever played. This is fantastic news!

LOL. Sounds like you didn’t play the game.

Honest Question from a Kinda Philosophical Sales Point: If 3rd Party Games don’t sell all that well* on Nintendo Systems, even if it is easy to develop games for the Switch, one could assume that the incentive to do so isn’t there.

Personally, I don’t see more than two interesting exclusives for the Switch (the SMT game and No More Heroes 3). The rest are the typical pastel-colored, family friendly manchild-bait that the Nintendo faithful usually human centipede themselves into buying en masse, BUT I would say that the XB1 has 1 more exciting

$5 says he’s ‘pro-life’ too.

Oh, so I post something about how I’m so racist I’d be willing to kill a baby and suddenly I’m the bad guy? Damn libruls ruining the country.

The word “No” comes to mind for some reason.

I notice there’s nothing in this article about telling your child not to do these things.

The majority of those games came out years ago on other consoles. Besides Zelda, what do you even have? Minecraft, Shantae, Street Fighter 2, Mario Kart 8, what appears to be mighty no. 9 reskinned, binding of isaac, tetris, skyrim, cave story? What is there to brag about?

Feels like there a lot of articles about people convincing themselves that the switch has a real library. Like if you haven’t played minecraft yet, you were never going to play minecraft. And you’re going to sit there and say minecraft on a handheld is better than on a pc. Someone is desperately reaching to say

Why is every headline on the Switch worded like an advertisement for it? How come Persona 5 didn’t show the PS4 is a great way to play JRPG’s? Why didn’t Titanfall show that the XB1 is a great way to play multiplayer shooters? It’s so weird to constantly see this religious fervor over Nintendo’s hardware. You even