
Perhaps it doesn’t matter so very much how she died but that the trauma of having been raped twice in her youth generated such horror that she could no longer see her way clear to live.

I’m going straight to hell for laughing at that gif, but it’s so absurd, I can’t stop.

Give me back LEGIT chronological ordering of posts, and no more of this horseshit “hey here’s a post from 18h ago, then one from 2h then 17 from 3-4h ago, then one from 2m ago” and you know what - I’ll live with ads and sponsored content.

You just saved me a long-winded post, thank you.

It’s a lot easier to hate on ads when they do creepy and sketchy things to add to the already hot mess they’ve become. It’s called ‘intrusive advertising.’

Great - we’ll get more of these “models” promoting Fit tea and Ko Watches in utterly pointless posts.

If I open Instagram (or Facebook) it feels like more than half of what I see are the ever repeating ads for all kinds of pants or other clothing or weird gadget which is supposedly very special and made of high grade stuff but now at a 75% discount. Of course the so called product’s original price is $300 but now a

I was going to say “preach” but you’ve already done so and backed it up so eloquently.  Nothing left to see or read here.

I sincerely hope this woman is ok.

Yet another example of why I’m going to hell: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I feel so bad for her but can’t help laughing so much...

I thought I was dead inside, but the longer the video went, the more the tech in the helicopter tried to hook the litter with his foot, the harder I laughed. Then they tried to pay out some rope to... what? I guess they didn’t want the patient/litter to hit the skids, so they let her down, which accelerated the spin,

Fucking preach.

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

I sincerely hope this woman is ok. Now. With that out of the way, I cannot stop laughing hysterically and my bartender says I have no soul. I imagine the lady is in there thinking “this is it. I’m going out in a whirl of adrenaline and blood to the head. I should have stayed in the goddam desert.”

JESUS CHRIST ON A CRACKER!!!!!  How the hell was that not fatal???  What kind of g-force was that poor lady contending with?  She had to have lost consciousness fairly early in the, uh, spin cycle.

What does a credit card have to do with anything? I sure hope you aren’t using your CC to buy things you can’t afford and then carrying the balance.

“They are intended for super high-end design firms and animation studios with massive equipment budgets to throw around”

I feel like there’s some continuation to Apple needing you to use dongles on everything. They can’t sell you a complete project; you have to buy into a stupid ecosystem that requires more and more and more purchases of licensed products. This monitor requires a $1,000 dongle to just sit on your desk.

“I didn’t even know she rowed!”

She got into USC on a rowing scholarship.